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Everything posted by angrymofo

  1. -----My Post was not inteneded to be a threat in anyway. I dont know why you thought lives were threatend. I was just trying to express my hatred towards these federal cowards. I believe & hope Karma will do its job on them all. I can only hope it involves physical pain to each and all of them. Again sorry if my post offends anyone,,,unless your a fed!! CYA, ANGRYMOFO
  2. Hearing this BS makes me wanna do something. I'm not big on flik'n rocks but I have a deep respect for ones rights. That was outright wrong for the NPS to pull that BS. This rangers actions are a deliberate blow on all BASE jumpers. He didnt have to take the rig,,,just wanted to be the bully. Its becoming a fight I want to confront. Had that been me they tried to take the rig from, I'd be in jail or shot. That ranger needs his *ss kicked up and down Utah! Sorry if I offend any jumpers!! But I have held this in long enough. I'm wondering if the NPS has ever been confronted while media was around? Does anyone have video of thier rigs being con'd when they didnt jump? I'd like to be the adult and let this go,,,,but the NPS are the ones acting like children. Are they so bored and not needed that they must harrass jumpers? Cant you see the public getting P*ssed thier tax dollars are wasted by the NPS bothering BASE jumpers?? Why is it OK to damage/alter rock with climbing, but BASE which leaves the area un-altered is illegal. If rescue is such a problem,,,dont do it! I'd rather be helped by another BASER rather than a NPS or search and rescue idiot anyway!!! Clint- Glad to hear you got the rig back. If you had done something wrong,,they would have kept it! Get a good lawyer and ring'em out. Maybe this could open some doors and bring attention to the NPS problem. Tip- if Law enforcement asks for ID, ask what you have done wrong. By Law they must tell you what you are held for. If they donot/cannot give you a reason,,,slowly walk away. The pigs know how to manipulate words to get what they want,,,dont give them a chance! I quit taking Sh*t from bullies in grade school!!! I will teach my kids to fight the fights brought to them, unlike I was taught. Take no sh*t from no one!! No Fighting gets us the government we now have. I'm not about to stand down and accept prejudice against BASE!! Freedom is not Free! Sorry Kevin!!!! "The Only good Fed is a d**d Fed" - Rosenthal ANGRYMOFO