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  1. You know there's more to it than that. Answer Tom's questions. I know of one rock solid BASE jumper who is deaf. A loss of hearing shouldn't keep you from BASE jumping or skydiving. Good luck and I hope to see you at Bridge Day next year.
  2. You know I consider you a part of our extended BASE family.
  3. Brian and WV girl are two separate cases...simple as that. There is no guilt in any decision we have made in this process. I feel terrible that Brian's family has to continue to read all the BS that is slung on these boards. The only thing we're guilty of is, stealing one whole pepperoni pizza and taking it to our room to feed our family. Jennifer Bell
  4. BASEWife

    Baby Donkey

    You covered in pooh is one thing I never thought would happen.
  5. BASEWife

    Baby Donkey

    Welcome to the world Baby Donkey! You'll see it's a crazy one in the BASE world. Hugs to Cali (she's the one that did all the work.)
  6. Hopefully they'll do another article after today's meeting. This has been the most stressful Bridge Day yet and October 15th hasn't even arrived. Keep up the fight Jason!
  7. It's a shame that the other report had to be shut down. There was a lot of great info that could have come from that post. Oh well, things need to be out in the open and I'm going to start with clearing up a few situations. First of all. I am the one who cut the jumpers badge not Jason. If the jumper has a problem with it he can come to me. Let me start with the 9 way from last year. Jason actually wanted me to pull their badges as well. I didn't and my reasoning for it was, they weren't warned that the behavior wouldn't be tolerated. As a side note almost all of them if not all of them emailed, called or said, "I'm sorry" in person. I respect that and they respect the event that we coordinate every year. For the jumper this year. Guess What? He was warned and his excuse, I didn't attend all of the mandatory meeting on Friday and didn't hear your warning. Too bad for you! I will not stand by and see hundreds of hours of work go down the drain when the NPS pulls the permit for the behavior of a few jumpers. Not to mention all of the jumpers who travel to WV to jump and wouldn't be able to because the bridge is shut down to jumpers. Jason is working so hard to get BASE jumping opened to the NRGB for more than one day. We need to show the community that we are ready to take this on and will be responsible mature adults. There isn't anything we're asking that isn't asked of you in Idaho. Second of all. Dennis and whoever else that's criticizing Jason and myself for being Christians. You have attended the past two Bridge Days and we were Christians then. We do not and will not judge you for your beliefs and how you live your life. We are all BASE jumpers and have our own connections in life. Do not judge us when you don't know us! In my opinion this was an excellent Bridge Day and if there is one thing that I've learned over the past two years. We can't please everyone. We ask for your input every year as to what we can do different. I encourage you to post here or on the forums so that we can take your changes into consideration. Thanks to everyone who helped me and the rest of our staff have FUN AND SAFE Bridge Day 2004! We hope to see you again next year! Jennifer
  8. MB is an easy drive. Just don't look down.
  9. Now this is something I can talk about. Why do I drive get away or even ground crew? I’ve asked myself this many times…especially when the NPS is searching my vehicle. I guess it’s for all the reasons why you see me at the bottom at Bridge Day. The smiles on your face, the joy of accomplishment and of course the sound of the canopy opening are just a few that come to mind. I know I get as big of a rush as you do. My palms are sweaty, my heart is racing, and the adrenaline is pumping for me as well. Now of course that’s all legal and nice. Turn that into an illegal jump and everything is multiplied by 10. I get to test drive different cars and boats. I’ve even been ground crew on a raft…long story. Hanging out of the window wasn’t one of my favorites, but, it was all for the video. To all jumpers: Remember your ground crew and getaway when the jump is over. Buy them a beer or two and know you probably couldn’t have pulled it off without them. Jen