Well thanks for support on this subject. I really don’t answer things like this. First of all the picture is 3 years old, second of all there are a lot of small DZ that will not belong to U.S.P.A because of the cost and what you receive in return. I am a USPA rated jumpmaster and instructor. Yes, my staff may not be current on their due payments with USPA however does that make them an unsafe instructor? They have hundreds of jumps each and have been in the sport for years. We are able to offer the low price because like me, my staff love the sport and want to enable everyone to skydive so every hour they spend is volunteer. Beer light comes on after last load is up! If you arte not skydiving you can have a beer anytime you want. 8 hours from bottle to throttle, is the law and we enforce it. The barbeques and bonfires have upset the other DZ (tandem mill) at times mostly when their staff sneaks down to join us careful you will get fired! Sorry if my spelling is off I don't type well but at least "husker" will have something to attack next. If we are so unsafe why not check and cross our accident rate against any other DZ. I unlike Husker am proud to post my name (this Email is my wife’s) Thank you for your support and come out anytime our door is always open! Skip Moreau lic #49493