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Everything posted by davadikian

  1. I, like Billy, was FAR too drunk Sun night to have any idea what the fuck you are talking about AND we were on our best behavior. I think?? Oh and we weren't "getting drunk and telling stories" we were "waiting for Brandy" remember... We had a good time and learned a lot, we'll have to do it again soon minus the ashdive part. As long as we dont go to another Mexican restaurant, I felt very tall there. That was a special song that means a lot to me and Kimberly, as Im sure it does to everyone else, you did a great job thanks for taking the time to put it together.
  2. more pics... If you look real close you can still see a bit of Lee on Kramers jumpsuit Im so pleased there were 3 ashdives it was a honor to be on that second jump. Im not a belly flyer but Lee would have loved seeing me out there on my belly, NOT making it in on the formation.
  3. Yeah we had a great time too, we hope to be east coast soon... My motto has always been whoever talks the loudest is right, she learned whoever talks the most wins. This weekend we had a lot of "winners" on both fronts. More pics
  4. Let the video prove who was LOUDER. Its just raw footage from the bonfire but it will do... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu_gMEiiO4g I think the weekend was quite a success, Lee would have been pleased. Attached a couple of pics from the weekend. Thanks to everyone for a memorable time. Doug
  5. Thanks for the info and pics, i cut it back, cleaned it up and it is ready to go.
  6. So I just got a new RAWA with an enclosure for my HC-40, so far Im pleased with it. Up until now I have always just used an L bracket to mount my camera but I have a question concerning the enclosure. The shroud that covers the lens is quite long, I have a low profile liquid 3 and it sits way back in the shroud. Is it customary to cut the shroud back and how far do you go back? Do you leave some for some sun/physical protection?? Or just cut it right back to the edge of the w/a lense? I guess this seems silly now that it is typed in front of me but once I cut into it its done, and Ive had enough "Oh shit, I shoulda double checked before I cut" moments I thought I would do this one right... Thanks for your replies.
  7. Typical response when a Rep runs out of valid points to argue. Love it or leave it. McCarthyism is passe. I never said you dont pay your fair share, but you ARE complaining about paying your fair share. You started by crying poor, are poor small business owner and now your doing great, sounds like you just like to complain. Maybe you didnt mind spending your daddys money when you didnt have to pay his taxes now things are different. Deregulated energy in CA = Enron, well hopefully you know what happened there. Deregulated Banking industry, by Phil Gramm you know him right, = mortgage crisis Dont be so polar it doesnt have to be all or nothing, we can regulate some power/banking/insurance companies and it isnt a communist country. People compromise all over the world except here in the US for the last ~7 years (and look where that got us) and things work out better for everyone. When given free reign big business HAS taken advantage of the masses and you are one of those masses, if you like being taken advantage of then cool, just dont complain about it.
  8. Is it all or nothing? ANWR is a refuge and hopefully we wont be drilling there... my point is there are places that we can drill and yet we still dont. I was specifically referencing The Bakken. Marathon can drill in ND and the earliest date they have even hinted at was 5 years. If they are forecasting 5 years in the Dakotas where they are cleared to drill, how long do you think it would take in ANWR? Probably not a viable option to help with the 200 I paid yesterday to fill up my diesel truck.
  9. Look it up, the Bakken field in North Dakota is over twice the size of the one in Alaska or the one off shore of Florida. And they already own it and have the rights. It is a fact, Marathon Oil, The Bakken Formation Really gotta go maybe later.
  10. Shue!! you talkin in cirkles!! A flat tax is a tax that where we all pay the same amount. Some big business gouge prices namely oil, insurance, and most recently the deregulated banking industry, surprise theres a mortgage crisis. They then pass the additional surcharges onto the consumer you/me and we pay them. Again it was a play on words. Hopefully that clears it up. I did vote and always have, maybe if we had elected someone with a better education and grasp of the English language than my 9 year old niece, maybe someone who will steer us away from the iceberg not directly into it because thats what his "gut" tells him to do, we wouldnt be in this mess. Come on your guy has had a blank check for around 7 years and this is the mess we are in and you want to blame the Dem congress. Typical, take no responsibility. Considering youre having so much trouble I dont think I want to use your business plan as a template. I gotta go but this has been fun.
  11. This simply isnt true! Its what makes you comfortable so you have the evil environmentalist to blame but it isnt true, do some research. Not Rush Limbaugh, research. They CAN drill!
  12. Again Im talking big business. I am incorporated and own a business however it isnt my sole source of income. Rising gas prices are effecting everyone and most business are passing their additional expenses onto their customers. The additional fuel costs are the new "price of doing business". Thats what my lawn guy said when he raised his rates. I am sorry you are in the position you are in with your contracts, no I dont think its right and I think our government HAS failed you as a small business owner. But I do resent the notion that people who make less money that you have it easier that you, like they're getting a free ride. Hopefully things will take an upturn. Marathon Oil (just one of three companies) owns property in ND "the Bakken formation" and are cleared to drill, however they have been for some time. The Bakken Formation is supposed to be a 100 bill barrel + reserve. Hopefully they will get it on, but I fear they will drag their feet. Gosh why would they drill now, pump more oil and increase production, that would mean a lower market price, less profit for more work. That wouldnt make much business sense, but we can hope. Kiplinger did a good report on the size of it and what Marathon oil might do with it and when, but at this point its all speculation... I personally think we should move towards alternative energy but that is long term solution, and people want/need some relief now.
  13. 1. I clearly said it was a flat tax that is paid to big business not to the government, I didnt say anything about a flat tax in the US, and it was a play on words. 2. I didnt vote for the last 8 years we have experienced you did, by your own admission. 3. When incorporated, you absolutely can write-off clothes some meals, and other cost for you to operate as expenses, and no-one is cheating anyone its working within the IRS guidelines. 3. How can you "promise" me anything that you pay more than me, you dont know me, what i do, how much I make... 4. I said big business, you said small business, on that we agree. Small business in this country needs help, but you arent getting it from your boys in the White House now. Oh, and I doubt you would "school" me in business...
  14. Not even close to being a fact True, it's actually only about 50%. EVERYBODY pays, you can question how much, I like to also question to who. The consumer/taxpayer ultimately pays for everything, the government/business owner passes on any and all costs (plus additional profits in the case of the business owner) to us.
  15. Not even close to being a fact But... So is your implication that someone who makes soo little money that dont pay any taxes has it good? Their living high on the hog I guess... And IF you make soo little you dont pay any taxes image how tough it would be to pay for gas to get to that job that pays you soo little you dont pay any taxes. And gas is just one of the "flat taxes" that we all pay evenly, but to a private company instead of the government. With rising fuel/food/clothing/service costs and foreclosures at a new height the majority of the stimulus package is going directly into the pockets of big businesses. With the hope they will make more money and with the extra revenue the will cut their prices back and "trickle down" the money back to us the consumer. Im sure theyll do the right thing. Even if your assertion were true, we have had 7 straight years +/- of right wing, blank check, "rich war mongering evil conservative" economics running the country and things arent benefiting you??? Take some responsibility please. The last time the jobless rate was this high was when another wrecking ball economy guy was in office what was his name??? Hint it was 1986. 70% of the top 2% in wealth in the US get their income from stock, bond, real estate investments so they pay 15% in taxes on the money they make. And their costs of living are considered business expenses which are subsequently tax write-offs. Im not making this up my brother is an investments broker its how he lives. News flash, the rich in this country arent struggling, just greedy, and hey if you want to keep more of your money then work within the system to get it, its available to you. You just have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and work for it, just dont be lazy and expect the government to just give it to you... And onto SC
  16. Yo Brandy, Kimberly and I were pouring one out for that fat bastard last night and talking about some Leeisms, one that was cracking us up... "Babe, I know what Im doin" I hate you have had to go through this, I dont understand it... Were thinking about you and looking forward to seeing you. Id send Hugs and Vibes but Im afraid Lee would bitch-slap me from beyond...
  17. My advice is to buy second hand for the first 100 or so jumps and when youre ready to downsize you can buy custom. The money you save on rental gear will go towards new gear and if you take care of your used rig it will maintain most of its resale value and it also can go towards your new gear. At 25 per rental x 100 jumps is 2500 towards new gear minus 1500 you paid for the used (which you can resell for 1000 to 1200) you will most definitely come out ahead. "Rental" for the first year of jumping will be ~300-500 instead of 2500 that is just gone... Another bonus is after being around for a while you will have time to feel out gear, demoing new canopies and other gear. Jumping a demo after you have experience in the sport will be more meaningful to you than jumping different canopies and not having the knowledge base to discern the difference between canopy A and B. Good luck!!
  18. Agreed... its hard to believe some people STILL write checks.
  19. Skygods don't wear altimeters, they just use their keen skillz to "know" how high/low to pull...
  20. Your post demonstrates just how unbiased your opinion is... I always felt I had the BEST container/canopy/reserve/altimeter/helmet/camera on the market, objectively speaking of course.
  21. I too was shown this method ~8 years ago by Brian, I was new to the sport and he sold this point as an advantage, of course I have been using this method ever since. I had never seen the video and was suprised to watch it and see that he didnt mention this as another positive reason for using the method... Ive shown people this method before and found around 50% are resistant to changing the way they do it. Go figure...
  22. Reminds me of a blog I read, not sure if its true at least the first part... I read a similar story in the Time Out New York http://www.greatwhatsit.com/archives/632 Click the link to pictures at the end of the article.
  23. I figured 6 months was long enough of a wait before this was bumped. Anything new, maybe a release date?
  24. yes, when the PC is collapsed the center of the mesh and the zero-P of the PC are right up against each other, this position prevents you from pulling the center out to the edge when folding using this method. Although I dont know how to make pizza...