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Everything posted by Kbone

  1. I'm amazed the judge didn't make you pay the $350 fine. Most of the time, you still have to pay the fine. They just give you the option to pay an additional fee to take the driving school so you don't get the ticket on your driving record. The judge must have liked you!
  2. Kbone

    Adria Allen

    Why no casket? Not like it's any of my business how her family handles this but most funerals I have been to are in some place where people can gather together. Segregating the services might offend people who are not "chosen" to attend the real funeral and burial.
  3. Yes, my original post did start with a question followed by an observation. So far I have seen a huge contrast between more experienced jumpers vs. newbies. This didn't suprise me. That is why the original post was targeted towards the more seasoned jumper. The responses posted by the more accomplished skydivers have been amazing and very insightful. Many of the responses from the newer jumpers on the other hand have been quite predictable.
  4. I've seen this behavior before. It is the drama factor that people are drawn to.
  5. Another great post! Thank you!!
  6. I enjoyed reading your post. It put my feelings on this subject into perspective. The recent fatality at Perris was like deja' vu. I've seen Adria a few times, I recognized her in the photo that was posted, she was a very pretty girl. Never met her though. I guess now it's too late.
  7. Does anybody ever get so jaded that they just don't care anymore when someone bounces? It seems like a circle. Someone bounces, then there are 300 posts on DZ.com saying what a wonderful person you were then there is usually an ash dive or tribute of some sort. It has almost become a cliche'. One shit storm after another. I guess what bugs me the most is that 90% of these fatalities are 100% avoidable. I'm mostly interested in gathering opinions and viewpoints from people who have been in the sport a while (over 10 years). When did you stop caring? Did you ever care in the first place? I'm looking for serious responses only please! No mud slinging! Any tyranical comments will go unanswered.
  8. A longer recovery arc will produce more speed to create a longer swoop. If you are having trouble judging the recovery arc on your Saber, why would you want a canopy with a recovery arc that is even more tricky to judge correctly?
  9. I have to admit, around 2001/2002 I was getting a little worried that the Simpsons were losing it. I heard that they hired all new script writers around this period. This last season wasn't so bad though.
  10. I am a huge Simpsons fan! I’m interested in your thoughts…… The Simpsons are normally on 3 times daily where I live. My problem? I wish they would put a 10-year cap on these reruns so I don’t have to watch anything created before 1994! The problem with these ancient episodes is that the comedy is very dated; the animation looks like chicken scratch and the characters don’t even look the same. It is clear that they had a pretty low budget to work with in those days. I hear the voices of the characters now make half a million per episode. I’m sick of seeing Santa’s little helper at the dog track and Homer jumping Springfield Gorge on a skateboard. Last night I had to endure 3 really old episodes where Homer goes to capital city to be the mascot. These are really old episodes! Memo to Matt Groening (creator of the Simpsons) quit trying to use your status to create half rate spin-offs. Does Futurama ring a bell? Yes it got cancelled because it sucks that bad! The Simpsons are a once in a lifetime accomplishment. Quit trying to go for 2 loser! Focus on your cash cow. Family Guy rules!
  11. If you click on "additional material" they have a video stream of the maggots being picked out by the doctors. Gross!! It looks pretty easy, I wonder why the woman was too lazy to do this herself? I don't think I'll be dating any women from Nigeria anytime soon! This could have probably been avoided if she took a bath more than once every 2 years
  12. It looks like larva growing inside a honeycomb. Nasty!
  13. Kbone

    I'm Done.

    The fact that you are posting your decision online suggests otherwise or you would have left quietly without the dramatic "goodbye" Your profile states that you have 137 jumps. 137 times you were willing to sacrifice everything in order to skydive. You didn't care about the risks before but now, for reasons that are not quit clear you just can't handle the drama. What is it that you are so afraid of losing after so many jumps? You claim to be "really confident with my skills", so why are you so afraid you will end up with a broken neck and paralyzed? Yet you will accept the pricetag for a life less lived. Think about all the time and effort you have invested into the sport. Then ask yourself what really went wrong.
  14. So now you claim to personally know all the people in the magazine covers? as well as the photographers? I have my doubts. Either way your statement is totally irrelevant and rediculous. This has nothing to do with peoples feelings or egos. It is about quality control for a magazine that I am paying $50 bucks a year to have a subscription. If I don't pay these dues, I can't be a skydiver. Like I said ealier, some of the covers are awesome but the last 4 months have been terrible. I am looking for suggestions for better cover photos. When I am done sorting out everyones ideas, I will then e-mail the USPA with our comments.
  15. Then perhaps you shouldn't be so judgmental. Try to listen to what people are actually trying to say when they voice their opinions about somthing they dislike, in this thread we are talking about photographs in a magazine.
  16. Have you taken your medication yet tonight?
  17. It's not an attitude. Actually I feel this thread is a good example of how you treat people whom you perceive to be "outsiders" No offense taken.
  18. It appears that it is very important for you to be right about my "fake identity". I find this amusing. Obviously someone is typing this, which proves I do in fact exist somewhere, somehow. Wether you want to believe I'm an 8000 jump skygod or a 1 jump tandem wonder is really your problem and completely irrelevant. How do I know you are not a Troll? Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have the experience that you say you do? Can I trust people online who say they in fact "know you" and can vouch for your character? My earlier post still stands.
  19. My profile is just fine! I jump a 126R! Rocks have feelings too you know!
  20. Now there is your cover shot!!!
  21. I've had to take a leave of absence from the sport. I'm too fat to fit in my harness My ample frame creates too much drag on my current canopy. I'm currently waiting for a smaller canopy before returning to the sport.
  22. Quit your whinning! Explain to me your credibility.
  23. You have to assume? I didn't realize the photos left room for speculation!