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  • First Choice Discipline
    BASE Jumping
  1. Thanks both of you for the info !
  2. Hi, Does anyone know the horizontal distance between exit point and grassy landing area at ITW ? (needed to evaluate glide ratio... Shouldn't have left my GPS at home ) Thanks !
  3. For my hand held jumps I always use this small piece of velcro at the bottom of my right flap, to avoid the bridle to catch my rig's corner. I think that such a small piece of velcro cannot cause the PC to hesitate, especially because when this piece of velcro is pulled, almost all the length of the bridle is out, allowing maximum traction for the PC. That's also why I think that a small piece of velcro on the shoulder (thanks Faber for the pics) is not so good because it "shortens" the bridle.
  4. Nonoski

    First BASE Gear

    Thanks Tom, this is a very interesting thread. I need to make something clear : isn't the backsurge on opening the beginning of a stall ? If it is, what has this to do with vents ? I thought that stall on opening could occur if wingloading was too low and brakes too deep, but i also thought that precisely, one of the purpose of vents was to make the stall point "further"... I'm interested in getting a vented canopy, my wingloading is a bit low, and I never customize my gear... So this thread is of a great interest for me !
  5. The Art Of War (featuring Wesley Snipes)
  6. No fatality on this bridge. The fatality a few months ago was on another bridge (french jumper, beginner, supposed bridle/arm entanglement).
  7. ***Not trying to turn the discussion away from BASE and Moe's speech but.. *** Me neither, but : Here there's a confusion between speed skiing, downhill skiing and ski jumping. - In speed skiing, people (I mean the best skiers of the world) do reach almost 160 mph, but never jump (at this speed it would be suicidal to do so ); - In downhill skiing, people [...] reach no more than 90 mph and jump no more than 45 yards (but for a downhill that's REALLY fast and long ); - In ski jumping, people [...] can jump more than 220 yards, but I don't think they go faster than 60-70 mph...