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Everything posted by soeperboer

  1. "Student" with approx 70 jumps (lots of solos!) request a two-way coaching jump.I agree (always a good opportunity!).DZ operates a Porter , but it was a busy day , so a Caravan was flown in to assist.First time for "student" to exit Caravan.I decided to door jam Caravan ( at this point static ...being refueled) with "student" (being floater for this twoway) in order to simplify exit on actual skydive.On the count "..ready ...set ...go", .........yep , he goes.Falls 4ft onto the runway and breaks his wrist.....! I still haven't heard the end of it(from my mates!)....and doubt if I ever will!
  2. I read the article in the South African edition of Popular Machanics.The very next paragraph in the article stated (quote)"I (Mace) look on it as a flying course...a quick introduction to gliding and aerobatics," he says,deliberately avoiding the instructional terms usually reserved for skydiving."(unquote).I assume the author's perception of wingsuit flying had in a sence the same physical abilities to that of the gliding and aerobatics introduction in Mace's course. Just a thought.......
  3. I recently acquired a Sony DCR-IP5E camera (Including wide-angle lens) , and as I am new to camera work ( have been using a friends PC5/Bonehead openface a couple of times) can anyone please help answer the following questions! Is this camera suited for the job? If anyone have been using one , on which helmet? I have a Gath openface which I am considering to use - has anyone constructed a bracket to accomodate this camera? Any help would be appreciated!