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Everything posted by Webbastard

  1. If you need to hear how it is to be a foreigner here, Yuri is the man. He has actually jumped more exits there than any other jumper! PS: I have talked to the locals there. They want more jumping, and often miss people like us. This is why I am a cind of promoting the site. Peace Fat Snake, read your PM box...
  2. Yeah Bangholio. I had the same problem in Paris. The head of security at Charles De Gaule is an asswipe from India and he is totally lost. I had a big fight with him once since I lost a plain because of him and I asked him to show me his guidelines about the parachutes, which was obviously taken from nowhere... After a hardcore sneak operation I managed to get BEHIND the security, but had to wait and hide myself at the gatestation for four hours before the next flight. I managed to convince the Air France Office that the guy was totally nuts and they gave me a free ticket for food and beverages in the meantime. Obviously the people on Charles De Gaule dont like that prick either...(anno 2002). Besides of that, I traveled around the world with no problems...Just act like it is a regular backpack (stow up your legstraps with rubberbands) . They normally won't see the difference. Butthead
  3. Webbastard

    Early BASE History

    That is true. The history of BASE(Ba-Se) mentioned on most websites is the history of BASE(Ba-Se) in the USA. It is not the WORLD history of BASE(Ba-Se)! Therfore it is necessary with some contrapropaganda and you can find it here http://www.offheading.com/gpage3.html.html (now aviable to everyone, since the serverproblems are solved), or you can watch it on Fox News... Is that the real history of BASE(Ba-Se), or is it just another conspiracy theory???