I am trying to get information about the new USPA Advanced Instructor Course. I have read what the webpage has to say...but the big thing I want to know is what are they teaching? What are the requirements to attend? As a Coach looking to get my AFF will this help me? Will it help me be a better Coach? He who laughs last, thinks slowest!
access denied that is all I get using Win XP MSIE, Netscape, Linux Opera Brouser
I get the same for Videos access denied He who laughs last, thinks slowest!
Could anybody give me the low down on the Boomerang helmet by Bonehead?
I like the look of it but is it really all I hope it will be ? He who laughs last, thinks slowest!
I am hopeing to use my Red Hat box to process videos and burn them to CD's if you have luck shoot me an line.. These links may be of help as well.. http://www.tele.ucl.ac.be/PEOPLE/DOUXCHAMPS/ieee1394/coriander/ http://linux1394.sourceforge.net/index.html http://www.schirmacher.de/cgi-bin/dclinks.cgi?action=view_category&category=Linux+Software Mike
I just mounter a "L bracket" on my Bone Head and it seems to get what ever I look at.....is there a advange to get a ring site ? It seems like I could spend my monsy on jumps and/or a wide angle lens...insted