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Everything posted by A2C

  1. No thread, no info? search came up similar thread in deleted. two different tandem fatality in NY?
  2. Have you ever seen the video or report that clean reserve diployment into the drogue?
  3. Indeed it is INCREDIBLE. 350mph horizontal speed? 24000feet per minute climb? 272.7mph vertical speed to up. hahaha...
  4. TI paid all slots, and video. Of course the student is the up-jumper. I hope...
  5. ditto. I use my knee to move them on center. Just one push, what the key is your CG and student's CG should be on streight vertical, then you don't need any help by booties even if you are shorter than the student. But I still hook their legs if I see them dropped, at least before opening. Remember there are always TWO none drogue falls each jump.
  6. OK、10000 is not rare so far, there are alot of them here in Hawaii. Let's keep goin' Anybody has or heard 15000, 20000 or more?
  7. Hook your legs, make them arch. The most of reason you feel unstable in the drogue fall is their knees dropped. I agree we have no problem to get heading control with such student body position, but another reason is dropped knees or d-arch makes easier to their leg straps to slip down to knees and make the "hole" bigger. Check their leg straps after the handles too, especially for those "Ohio shape" students. One more reason to teach them skydiving arch is to be prepared for "trap door forever" type malfunction. Imagine you get into the freefly speed after you pulled, if you barely get your stable, increased speed makes it harder right before you pull your last chance.
  8. This is not a news for Jumpshack. It happened before at Skydive Hawaii.
  9. Just get the front riser grommets down first. Make upper side of the slider get the wind. No alteration needed.
  10. You have to be comfortable to say Yes, otherwise, whatever reason, say No. Because once you say Yes, you have all the responsibility. there is no excuse like "He didn't arch." You are wrong. You couldn't make him arch. "He didn't raise his legs up." You are wrong. You couldn't make him legs up. Whatever happens, whenever start, it's PIC's responsibility.
  11. Test Report: no break set with Stilleto 120 (w/l 1.5) (Not new with lines 300 or so jumps after reline) 90% of couple hundred jumps, very nice'n soft and on heading openings. 10%, hard spin like Icarus Tandem sometime does. only one "folding under", it's got be the last test jump for me though, I could make it back to normal by a little pump with rear risers, This is not recommendation to sacrifice yourself to other test.
  12. I've widened the range of the poll. I had to reset the numbers to zero because it wouldn't make any sense to keep most of the numbers. Thanks billvon.
  13. The gas price is getting rocket high not only for your car but also for the Avgas and the JetA. It makes me worry about the jump ticket. How's your DZ fighting with it? Let's compare with to the altitude of 13,000ft. Here in Hawaii, King Air company (Pacific Skydiving Center) charges $20 for 14.000ft, and Caravan company (Skydive Hawaii) does same $20 for 12,500ft, so far.
  14. I'm using a "bio-conductor" switch or a "lick" switch. Just two terminals stick out from the epoxy patty. No moving parts to cause trouble and cheap to make.
  15. Lots of my passengers ask me "How long are you doing this?" "Well..., what time is it now?"
  16. 1) No skydiver forget his first jump like Bill Booth says . 2) We can share the experience right after the opening which is no other discipline has. 3) We are the welcome gate for skydiver. Some of my students got be TIs and they are making more skydivers too, such are feeling like I gotta be a grandfather. with appreciation to Ted and Bill.
  17. So, is it OK to use Vector student rig for underage AFF student if she is not your doughter?