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  1. Hottie Tottie in the truest definition
  2. hottietottie

    Bryan Ody

    Never forget the memories. You can visit them anytime when you need to get mind on to happier thoughts. Your in my thoughts with high regards brother. ~Steph
  3. It's mostly a base video, but there are entertaining freeflying, hop'n'pops and a small bit of belly flying. Additionally there other funny antics, like the infamous skull mask scenes.
  4. Soul Flyers wasn't so badly priced when i bought it from them a while back. I'd agree that Crosswind is kinda pricey especially when you convert from US$ into South African Rands. I think Thread the Needle is only $15+shipping.
  5. Thread the Needle II A Finner Thread By Nate Varns AKA: SafeyNate Get your copy today. You will laugh your arse off and be amazed at the crazy antics at the same time during the 40 minute production. 2 thumbs up! What's even better is it's cheap to purchase, so you get more bang for your buck compared to the others mentioned in this thread. Talk to him about it and you will see.
  6. Here's the article link to Big Al's story:
  7. It's primarily sold in DVD format. It has the quitessential aspects for an ass kicking video: -Crazy, dangerous acts of stupidity -Nudity -That's-got-to-hurt Crash scenes It will get you ohhing and ahhing you'll watch it over and over again.
  8. Happy Birthday Hottie. Lots of love from your London roomie. May your day be filled with mulleted midgets pinching your ass.
  9. bless that stuntman's heart for trying. i would have been entertained, hell i would have even lit his wick for him.
  10. One of my best buds does this stupid shit all the time (see Alanab's pic.) It doesn't seem that painful for him if he get a good launch.
  11. Next time don't clinch your cheeks so tightly. And there will be a next else are you going to redeem yourself from being such a jack ass. Ya know nicknames aren't just given, they're earned. You might have coined one from this stunt.