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Everything posted by CieloDiosa

  1. im not gona lie, the last ones a little scary ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  2. advise on initial contact you have information awesome! workin on my commercial rating.. ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  3. mmmmmmmmmm cookies sorry balls no help... i didn't do too hot in computer science but i miss you! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  4. ohio misses u! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  5. c u in dublin!!!! this is like the 20th thread about dublin now ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! we shall celebrate plenty in dublin ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  7. i havent been following this thread very well whats been going on the past 600 some posts so i dont have to scroll through all of em??? what's up 27 days!!!!!!!! yessssssssssssssssss
  8. tell 'em what made you finally QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  9. LISA! how many people are staying at your house during the boogie!? AFTER HOURS AT LISAS HOUSE!!!!!!!!! (sorry i contributed to the hijacking of ur thread alana) ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  10. REALLY JAKE THAT ONE!? hey 29 days till our arrival!!! woohoo now i just have to find some green clothing ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  11. wait im confused theres a boogie in march? ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  12. im so cool p.s. RE POST!! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  13. jason im so jealous of you!! that is so awesome thats exactly what i want to do, you must be a sweet pilot
  14. oh how 2 grand sounds so amazing right now you lucky SOB!!!!! whens it airing when when when ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  15. first i gave up going to the bars and out to eat but on thursday i threw both those out the window so now i gave up cheese my favorite food!!!! booo soo hard good luck! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  16. aww hugs girlfriend!!!!!!!! only 15 minutes of this God-aweful (if you're lonely) day left!!!!!
  17. cutest picture EVER!!!! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  18. i looked up skydiving when i first got on it for my school and there were like 20 people that had it in their infos one person had already started an ou skydiving club so i sent a msg to them and everyone in the group asking them where they jump in ohio (since there are few places) and telling them they should join our club at ou they all wrote back the same thing... only jumped once same story everyone else is telling i think ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  19. yessssss HAPPY BDAY!!!!!!! you and alana should be each others valentines thanks for the SWEET jump in eloy
  20. they under went changes sorry alana! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  21. aww my sit fly sista has turned 23!!!!!!!!!!!!! alanas bdays on valentines day so give her some lovin!
  22. my roommates got me on it and i created a couple of skydiving clubs too besides that i hate it!!! its sooo annoying! i dont understand the point of it the only thing ive gotten out of it is stalker guys that go to my school and talk to me on aol ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA