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Everything posted by CieloDiosa

  1. QuoteSomebody get to go out with the mistletoe. The game is people of the opposite sex kiss pass the person and same sex people either kiss pass or take the mistletoe and become the target. sounds like a plan!! and why arent you coming balls? oooooo this is gonna be fun ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  2. haha ive got the mistletoe and we're all jumpin with it!! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  3. HA HA ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  4. of course i am!!! its going to be ridiculous i dont even want to think about packing all my stuff right now!! 3 DAYS WOMAN!!! im sure i can always squeeze in some love flowers tho ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  5. welll.. WELL!??!!??!?! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  6. whats this all for LEW????? "BLACK DEATH PACKING, FUCK IT WE'RE NOT JUMPIN IT!!!!!!!!" hahahahah anymore anymore!?!?! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  7. hahahaha i think these are hilarious!! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  8. what was the bet?? ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  9. no but i want one of those!! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  10. CieloDiosa


    ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  11. wet wild and crazy "PACK JOBS NO WAITINNNNN SPACE AVAILABLE.............!!!!!!!!!" ring a bell?? ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  13. booo i couldnt go sorry i missed the good times, hopefully thursday! who's all coming then??????
  14. me! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  15. i think he just wanted an excuse to post a pic of some sexi-kinda lookin man ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  16. 1!!!!!!!! i saw it last night, hilarious ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  17. we'll be back the 2nd ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  18. i was just there this weekend!!!!! great times trust me you'll find a party BUT YEA COME TO ATHENS! ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  19. i'll jump with him!! alana and i will do a fruit loop exit with him!! he can be an OU skycat with us hahaha i could use some coach jumps
  20. YAY I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i really cant wait to jump a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and with different people and learn new things and do big fruit loop exits ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  21. OOOoo i love getting people to jump one friend did 9 jumps then 7 more did tandems, ones going through his progression and in the spring i have a line of people waiting for the memorial day weekend boogie ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  22. yes exactly, like for instance, the first time i met COCHEESE we were married within 2 hours now thats gotta be luv ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  23. i hear ya aggie!! sometimes its just like ahhh this is the person im going to marry or maybe i just get easily infatuated ~boogie ho!! pull before impact! L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA
  24. what do ya think???? YES NO MAYBE??