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  1. Michele, I wish I could give you a big hug, but as I'm so far away I'll send you one in spirit.... nnnffffmmmmm!! You would have to be one of the nicest, most uplifting and supportive people I've ever met, and I'll be sending you lots of good vibes across the Pacific. Tell those cats of yours to look after you and give you hugs and help you navigate the house when it's dark. And don't forget to laugh. Wasn't there something about sandwiches?
  2. The Harry Potter movie is fantastic - especially the Quidditch scene... I wanna flying broomstick! Can't wait to see Lord of the Rings.... cute Hobbit!
  3. Yeah, with only 3 skydives under my belt (incl. a tandem), I'm going to take flying lessons as soon as I can afford them! I'd go even further and be an astronaut if I could! Larissa
  4. it's soooo hard to remember all favourite movies... the ones I think of first are: 2001: A Space Odyssey Bladerunner Fifth Element Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (esp. the psychedelic boat scene! and the burping lemonade scene) The Right Stuff (mmm Sam Shepard as Chuck Yeager!) The Professional Trip to the Moon (1902 movie) Jean Cocteau and Jean Luc Goddard movies Flight of the Doves Kes (v.sad) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon The Exorcist Monty Python movies Ingmar Bergman movies (in winter!) Clay Pigeons well I think that's enough for now... Larissa
  5. Well done E150.... it's good to know the emergency procedures stay in your head, probably because you go over them before your jumps.... a good reminder to everyone to do the same. And fantastic of you to go right back up there
  6. I used to go to raves (dance parties) regularly, and loved them, esp. when they were illegal & flourescent or outside in forests and national parks.... loved them for the music, and, um.... the "stuff".... the good thing about the rave scene was that it wasn't about picking up, it was about the music (mmm, and the "stuff")... immersed in music all night dancing in my own world... but now I usually hang out at pubs & bars or home with friends, beer in the sun, martinis after dark.
  7. Hope everything goes okay with them, Viking. Larissa
  8. nimbus

    First Jumps

    Hi Lawrence, welcome and congratulations! I'm stuck on Lvl 2 (no money & scaredy-cat blah blah) but I keep having skydiving dreams at least once a week... it's a fantastic feeling, isn't it? Good luck with the rest of your AFF and beyond... I'm hoping to do Lvl 3 in 2 weeks!! Larissa
  9. Des I cannot begin to tell you what I find disgusting about your reply... so I won't Nathan ... don't despair, I think everyone has copped shit from someone at sometime in the romance department... just keep being yourself and you will meet someone who appreciates you, who you can like back too... good luck! Larissa
  10. nimbus


    No, the most embarrassing thing about being Australian right now is John Howard and his cronies being re-elected!! Rugby sucks!
  11. Hey westcoastchica, do you get the Daily Darwins? If not, here's where you subscribe... Larissa
  12. nimbus


    I think Australia last qualified in 1974... but we still have one game to go, playing Uruguay @ their home....
  13. nimbus


    well, we call it soccer 'cos our football is something else.... woo hoo! Australia just scored a goal off a penalty shot against Uruguay in the World Cup Qualifier! of course, it usually doesn't take 80 minutes for a first scoring shot in Aussie rules football... Larissa
  14. The universe is a wonderful thing, is it not? I only saw two Leonids, due to cloud cover, but they will stay in my mind forever. I sat out in my courtyard, wrapped up, the wire door closed on the cats who wailed at me to let them out into the night too, and turned my face to the sky. I sit out there sometimes and just watch the stars & planets. Sometimes I'll see a shooting star or a wandering satellite or piece of space junk, but last night I saw two Leonids, just two, but they were beautiful. Big and bright and burning. I had a dream about the Leonid shower before I woke up at 3.30am, and the wine-dark sky was dotted with tiny silver streaks, but the two I saw above my house were even more beautiful. Damn those clouds. Still, it was great to see the meteors even through the light-haze of a capital city... all of our progress couldn't dim them. "My god, it's full of stars..." p.s. Michele, I should have some cute pictures of your kitty-cats in a day or two!
  15. I got up (after having a dream about seeing the Leonids!) and saw two - yes, only two! (I live 10 minutes from Melbourne so too much light).... then the clouds rolled in and stayed until dawn :-(.... but the two I saw were magnificent - huge and bright and with wide, long tails. Larissa