***Yea right, Chris has known most all the players in the region for about 34 years now, and has a tad bit of a clue what his is talking about. And the fact that you Chris B. would make such a post just shows how much you really don't have a clue what your talking about.
Maybe you should spend some time learning your regional history and not just swollowing the line of bullshit your were spoon fed up the street.
Then again, I'm sure you "know it all" now just like you did when you were a student @ SWC, only worse now that you have a few hundred jumps and 4 or 5 years in the sport now.
I can agree with saying "You should stop shitting on people you don't know was foolish. I have no idea what the history is on Kip. What I do know is I agree with Jared in regards to Kip at SS. I see him as an individual who works hard to train students, encourages continued learning in the sport and seems to have a genuine love for the sport. This is my perception of Kip. I have heard so many different stories about the rivalries between DZ's and staff members that I doubt I will ever know the truth.
I'm not understanding where the "know it all" thing is coming from. I was a "know it all" when I was a student
and i'm a "know it all" now? I sure wish I knew who I was addressing here, seems like you don't like me very much. What the hell did I ever do to you?
As for the "spoon fed bandwagon rider" thing ........
I just don't know what to say except GROW UP!
I jump at SS because it's close to my house, they offer bulk rates on lift tickets and I have friends there. Xenia is cool too but it's farther for me since I moved.
There has not been a single soul "spoon feeding" me anything about Kip, the Hart family or anyone else affiliated with SS. My conclusions are based upon what I have witnessed at SS and my past experiences with other DZ's and staff.