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Everything posted by zoobrothertom

  1. Is that a good flavor, too? ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  2. Packed naked on a parachute...? Oh you mean like really putting a parachute in the container. I thought you meant shagging. Put me down for both! (skydive houston - beware of student rig #9) ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  3. My heart is with his family and friends. Airborne! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  4. My joke with tandem students used to be, "The last page has a summary for you." It was a reprint of an orange warning label! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  5. This kinda half-way counts. Soldier full-time and skydiving my ass off every evening and weekends! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  6. Sunday, my wife drug me to Babies-R-US. I litterally had and anxiety attack! HA! This baby stuff is not cheap! Damn!!!!!!!!! --------------------------------------------------- Dude, I have twins$$ Everything in stereo$$ Good luck! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  7. That's what I thought, too. I'm 14 hours ahead of US central time. My late nights can turn into Daze ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  8. Ouch. Unfortunately, I have never dated a skydiver w/o a back-up on hand. -------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, sometimes I've only had the hand on back-up,,,, ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  9. The flower! I can't take it.... It's too much Sounds like a blast! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  10. Welcome to the club! Congrats. Now you can hang late with the rest of us parents who can't sleep. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  11. Nice toy! With the price of rigs nowadays, you better hang onto it until the seams pop! Canopies come and go, but rigs damn near last forever. In a few years it'll be your extremely comfortable backup rig. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  12. After landing in the peas with my tevas, pebbles keep popping up out of nowhere for hours afterwards! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  13. Over the years, absolutely! My tent was soooo big, it was called the DZ palace! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  14. I got your lurker hanging! You finally drew me out... ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  15. Sorry, it would be only a request. If your relatives did sue, it would be for their loss as opposed to yours. But, it would be pretty cold for them to deny your last request. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  16. BTW - like your sig line - ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  17. Hey Thanks! Just got back from reading Jim's posts on his "crash landing." Woh! I thought I'd collected some hardware (11 screws and a 7 inch plate so far over the years). Thanks for the guidence to the canopy pilot website. I know Jim will be fine (eventually ) Swoop safe man, take care ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  18. Thanks for the tip. I checked it out, well, sort of, and a search of "Jim Slaton" just turns up his speaking schedule. I admit, I'm too lazy to read through every article. But, if I don't hear from anyone else, I guess I'll dig through them. Thanks again ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  19. I've just received a year's worth of backordered Skydiving magazines. On the cover of May 2006 is a picture of Jim and Duane riding down a hill. The caption says they were later injured in a similar flight. I'm over here in Korea and a little out of touch. Does anyone know what happend and how they are doing? I search the forums for Jim but found little. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  20. Sorry, I only what I've learned here. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  21. But hey, what do I know????...... _____________________________________ The reasons why membership is dropping! An additional factor is the increasing self-regulation is slowly making our sport less attractive. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  22. That pilot should offer to share! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  23. Here's a link to a news article about Victoria Delacroix. I think she was a tandem student. http://www.newsshopper.co.uk/display.var.860048.0.beautiful_princess_dies_in_air_crash.php ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  24. I just skipped all the replies slamming you. I'll just summarize the default answer here. "I have faith. Ergo, you are wrong." See, no logical arguments are required here. Here's one miracle you've never seen or heard of. God seems to have missed this one.... clicky, click oh faithful ones....
  25. I've pondered this one, too. It was/is similar to the initial reactions to RW, CRW & VRW before they went mainstream. Although I'm not a real oldtimer, I can definitely feel the changes in attitudes over the years. Skydivers have accepted so much self-regulation in the name of safety and commercialization. It seems we have forgotten that our sport was originally unregulated in any form. In the past, we took up donations and presented untalented folks with a bowling ball and directions to the local alley. Today, we do a rejump. Some states actually banned parachuting of any kind to protect us from ourselves! IMHO, BASE jumping has become the new outlet for those repressed feelings and desires for freedom from the rules that was embodied by the original skydivers. To quote a popular restaurant's advertising slogan, "No rules, just right." Nowadays, just about any jumper who engages in what is now considered reckless behavior (e.g., low pull, drinking and jumping, etc.) is ostrasized. Thirty-forty years ago, this was normal! Change is or isn't always good. Just a thought... ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!