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Everything posted by zoobrothertom

  1. Not trying to sound morbid, does anyone have a picture? ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  2. Yuri, you have wayyyy toooo much free time! I want your job! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  3. "Combat RW" - that's the best thing I've heard in a while!!! ------------------------------------------------------------Combat RW makes you a better skydiver! A while ago a jumper said he didn't like skydivers who learned in military clubs because they did too much "Combat RW." What he meant was that when you don't pay for jumps you don't mind if a dive goes to shit. I said "Amen, Bro! I do this for fun, not to stress out!" My first 100 jumps were Combat RW. Hell, I did my first two way zooming around the sky until we collided and manged to hang on to each other. It taught me how to recover quickly when things go to shit.
  4. Like I said before, you guys rock! Keep up the good work
  5. You know, if were eventually terraformed you'd literally be jumping a beach towel! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  6. Actually, there's no need to register. It's completely optional. You can download any show at anytime. Signing up is kind of fun because they have a world map with the location of everyone who has volunteered to 'sign up." Check it out.
  7. Just double check that the charger is multi-voltage. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  8. I noticed Mike Smith wasn't in there. Here's a funny one. I was on leave from Ft. Bragg around fall '83 or spring '84 and visiting Mom in Houston. I went out to Spaceland for the first time with a nonjumping high school buddy on a Wednesday after several days of thunderstorms. It was afternoon, clear skies and the parking lot was empty. We walk into the hangar and Mike is sweeping the floor. We introduce ourselves and soon notice that the phone keeps ringing but Mike keeps sweeping. "Uhm, Mike, are you gonna answer that?" "Nope." "Why not?" "I lock the keys in the office." So, after listening to the phone for about half an hour (folks calling to see if Spaceland will be open today), Mike says he'll take me and my buddy up to 4.5 for $10. Not only that, but he lent me his racer with a bandit (169 sq ft 9 cell, don't quote me on the square footage) and put my friend Scott in my wonderhog/stratostar so he could watch. Good memories...
  9. Maybe the right combo of nylon, gun powder, and...... clean living almost forgot Jeans OOps damn spell checker I mean Genes Wonder if john knows were talking about him behind his back That was my first thought! John, what's your secret? I know it ain't the good living! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  10. Tom, you are absolutely right! Spotting is an art completely foreign to many new jumpers. Cessna DZs still teach'um but its a mystery to newbies at the big DZs. You haven't lived until you've spotted a C-130 at 16.5 over Bermuda face down on the ramp peering over the edge at 160 Knots! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  11. This event took place on the ninetieth anniversary of the battle of the Somme, a battle that claimed over one million souls. I know this will strain your little brain, but if you do the math that means this battle took place in 1916. That's right World War One didn't start in 1917! That's just when you guys got off the couch. When democracy has been truly at risk Canada has never hesitated; we just don't go chasing John Foster Dulles' or Donald Rumsfeld's bogeymen. (BTW here's another shocker; WWII started in 1939! No really!) _______________________________________________ So, what you really said was Canada answered England's call for help and the US didn't. You might want to study a little history about the factors leading up to WWI and II. You won't find many US signatures on all those interlocking mutual defense treaties prior to WWI. The US people of the time, post WWI, were sick of European wars; of which WWII was the one that finally ended centuries of fighting. One more note, though slow to respond, it was the US involvement in WWI and WWII that pushed the advantage over to the Allies. We're still all on the same team - ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  12. The God of the Old Testament is the same as the God of the New. The prophetic continuation from the Old to the New is very much an instructional guide to inform us of what is to come. Before, the New Covenant with the sacrificial death of Jesus, however, God judged the world in the manner in which it deserves because of the breaking of God's moral law. He is withholding judgment until a time of his choosing now because he doesn't wish that anyone should perish. He wants people to come to repentance and trust in him. His patience will not last forever. There will come a day in which you will be judged for every thought and deed that you've done in this world and the punishment will be every bit (actually more) extreme as what you read in the Old Testament. We are already guilty of breaking the law (see attachment below). If we wind up in hell, it will be because we chose it. The judge (like in our court system) is simply giving us justice that we deserve. Why would an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God who is, was, and ever will be, suddenly have a change of policy 2000 years ago? Amen Brother! I'm curious, too. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  13. After a short review of the old testament. I think we should all find a kinder, gentler deity to waste our time on. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  14. 230 Kilometers per hour on the autobahn in Germany. About 140 mph. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  15. Dude! 2nd picture.. is that a belly band with the altimeter on it? Never thought about putting one there. Good idea! ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  16. It's always been fun. But did it really look like this? How about you guys and gals?.... ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  17. I wanted to mention that as BASE#'s grow expodentially, so will experiences, and hopefully knowledge. Hopefully the expodential growth of knowledge and experience will slow the rate of expodential grown in the list. -------------------------------------------------------- Amen Bro. Regular jumping also shows this trend. Let's hope it carries over. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  18. Handing the roach to the pilot as you exit?! Tripping on the sunset load?! Carry on liquid refreshment that sprays the ceiling when opened (you know, that pressure thingy)?!
  19. Yuri, I'm impressed by the amount of free time you have! Thanks for the math. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  20. You're trolling, right? ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  21. ------------------------- I wish I could list my age. That way, when I fuck up a post or do something insensitive I can claim Alzhiiimer or something. See!! Already I can't remember how to spell... ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  22. Hey moonglo, say congrats to Fish for me. ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  23. Ditto ____________________________________ I'm back in the USA!!
  24. Hey girl! You'll do the right thing. For just a day, take a step back and appreciate the fact that you are blessed with an opportunity to even be faced with such a decision!