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Everything posted by busaunit
amazes me that most americans think that gun ownership makes them free or that they live in a free country i think thats the problem. y would you need a gun if you are free but in the end thats 33 more down 299 99 967 to go then they might get the point. but then again
1. the people that i saw that designed the building designed it for a impact for a jet liner. and the outside of the the structure was designed to break up a plane. so did it work.? 2. i work in commisioning building fire systems and the amount of water that would have been flooding that fire is well a shit load. i was in a building just the other day when the plumber turned the water on and some of the pipes had not been joined correctly trust me the place was fucted. 1000s of liters of water. i agree that a fire could have been burning as i have seen the amount of shit office workers take to work to flash up there desks, but for two builds to fall perfect like that y spend millions on exposive experts when all you need is some av gas and a few old computer desks. seems like, looks like, a perfect science. + they have designed av gas to burn fast in case of landing crashes. Now what about the other building that fell. y how 600 billon has been spent on weapons that are made in america and in troops wages so in the end america wins
if i took just under an hour for a building to drop by fire in america and a building in madrid can burn for 24 hours plus. something has to be said about the way america builds there buildings now that could be where the true crime is. building codes etc could this be the true problem. someone built two of the shitest buildings in the world and built them side by side or someone used explosives to drop them end of story.
http://www.ericblumrich.com/thanks.html this is a clip about saddams history.
600 billion spent on the war on terror around 10 billion spent on new orleans enough said
If you want to get uber-technical, all munitions are chem-based (black powder, C4, etc...) Sounds like splitting hairs for sound bites' sake. so if you wont to get uber technical. black powder ? ground pepper
http://www.guardian.co.uk/Columnists/Column/0,,1642831,00.html all that has to be said
this one is also good
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh-zwbPcByM&search=Soldiers I dont think these guys are as smart as american soldiers but they are smart enough to say no when you feel something is not right. Something that i think is lacking in some forces around the world. I can only hope sir donald and his merry men get hung for what they have done, maybe the can hang them with saddam and his merry men. We might all learn something from that.
Its funny every time i hear some war munger talk about how and y countrys should be bombed, all i can think of is this clip. Its old but for those that have not seen it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fTsI_BsUvw
the easiest way to find out if the american army has educated troups in it is to ask them all y they are fighting in iraq. if they say they fight for freedom of the iraq people ,they are not. but if they say they are fighting for freedom for american business, they are. too easy.
US Govt' sells child porn and then arrests buyer
busaunit replied to waltappel's topic in Speakers Corner
It was only a matter of time before they moved from killing kids to raping them. no surprises here -
I wonder where these terrorist got there funding from this time. last time the usa funded there own terroist attack,sep 11 , i wounder what government employed these guys?
http://www.videos.informationclearinghouse.info/ichgalloway100.wmv friendly interview about the israeli war i would pay for view foxtel to see this guy get interviewed by a fox reporter.
I sort of like this idea. Forced labor for illegals
busaunit replied to akarunway's topic in Speakers Corner
give all illegals guns and camos and america might look at them as heros. funny kicking out on bunch of poor people allready needing americas help but you spend billions in a war to help the same kind of people fight for there right to be free. ? -
who cares truth means fuk all to any one any way just pray to god after every kill death you will feel better. god is real ask bush he knows
This guy has a hard time getting it out but at least he has the balls to say something. Must be hard saying you killed women and children for your country http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5587990522549547050&q=iraq
Anyone still think that the war wasn't planned pre-9/11?
busaunit replied to idrankwhat's topic in Speakers Corner
war is about making money right down to the people fighting in it. y would anyone go to war if they where not getting payed? I am sure there is a few reason y you would. But i am sure bush and his merry men didnt go to iraq because they care about the iraq people. -
yea the us goverment must be happy about all that bomb development, they can make a bomb that levels a house or building but keeps the human bodys in good enough condition so they can take a photo of them.
http://www.jang.com.pk/thenews/dec2005-daily/25-12-2005/world/w2.htm not to sure what to make of this bit of news. But i think this means when given the chance US government chose war over peace. here is some of that articale: One month later in Baghdad, British journalists obtained the tape and transcript of the Saddam Hussein-April Glaspie meeting on July 25, 1990. In order to verify this astounding information, they attempted to confront Ms Glaspie as she was leaving the US embassy in Baghdad. Journalist 1: "Are the transcripts (holding them up) correct, Madam Ambassador?" (Ambassador Glaspie does not respond) Journalist 2: "You knew Saddam was going to invade (Kuwait), but you didn’t warn him not to. You didn’t tell him America would defend Kuwait. You told him the opposite - that America was not associated with Kuwait." Journalist 1: "You encouraged this aggression - his invasion. What were you thinking?" US Ambassador Glaspie: "Obviously, I didn’t think, and nobody else did, that the Iraqis were going to take all of Kuwait."
funny working all day for a wage that lets you live in a bottom of the range housing. and all they ask for is a 10% pay rise and they dont get it over 3 years i would go on strike too. if your so happy with what they get payed ask you boss for a pay reduction.or go apply for a job there? funny these people dont desserve a pay rise, but when you need them ie they go on strike , its like your world has ended , maybe these people should be getting more then 10%, looks like they are the most important people in NY ?
I dont mean to be rude or sarcastic , but i would like to listen to some interveiws or read comments about other people other then people that DONT agree with bushes polices, this does not mean people in government positions.or the army. like university profesors, people like robert fiskand chomsky. people that have a veiw, that gives real reasons for going to war and y i can not find any
i agree that robert fisk is easier going and writes what he sees....... and robert is better at explain the horrors of war, but i just enjoyed the tantram part of chomskys interveiw. gravity another tantram about nothing, I love it.
That's not my point. It's not the lack of a convenient link I'm complaining about. It's the lack of any information for me to make the decision about whether or not I want to bother to go to the referenced link. I think it should be a common etiquette and protocol to provide a synopsis with any web link. If someone wants a bunch of people to go to the trouble to read something, they should go to the trouble to provide a clue as to what the subject is about. Sorry for the thread drift. Carry on, talking about... um, er, whatever... Author and activist Noam Chomsky joined Amsterdam Forum this week and took questions from listeners from around the world on Iraq and the War on Terror. Noam Chomsky is professor emeritus of linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is world renowned as a linguist and political activist. His latest book is 'Imperial Ambitions: Conversations with Noam Chomsky on the post 9/11 World.' just talks about how commen sense is not commen. when all the facts are put forward about everything the bush government does. The only thing bush lovers can come up with in deffence of this govenment policys are Tantrums , love that word. bush lovers must hate this guy , he makes sense. Well hell. That makes me want to invest my time in reading a link. Why don't you give us a glimpse into Chomskys view. A teaser, so to speak. Without that, your post is useless. All you have to do is listen commen sense, open the link before you have a tantrum. invest your time ,you just dribbled words onto a forum . I am sure time is not your problem. i was going to put some facts down about his veiws but i though most people would know who this guy is and understand{Chomsky on Terror and Iraq}, i was wrong