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    Cypres 2

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  • First Choice Discipline
    Wing Suit Flying
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    Formation Skydiving
  1. n/a:3:2 And the last was my 100th. Woo-hoo!
  2. Freefall. But I wouldn't want to do it without the canopy ride afterwards.
  3. Holydiver

    Picture Of Me

    Which one are you?
  4. The important thing is not to connect it to your RSL. Go you big red fire engine
  5. Have to agree The Ridicules of Chronic was my worst film of the year. Pitch Black was great. How could this be so shit? Go you big red fire engine
  6. It's already been done. I'm pretty sure Demi Moore did it in Charlie's Angels 2. Unless they were making it up Go you big red fire engine
  7. According to the British Parachute Association it's cleared to do 15 second delays From the BPA operations manual: Category 5 Has demonstrated the ability to perform two consecutive stable delayed openings of ten seconds, maintaining a heading and counting throughout. Go you big red fire engine
  8. 2 med Rabbits 8 cup Water 1/2 tbl Salt 1/2 tbl Freshly-ground black pepper 1/2 cup Cooked corn 2 sm Onions chopped 5 sm Potatoes quartered 1/2 cup Diced tomatoes 1/2 lb Salt pork 1/4 tbl Butter Instructions: Bring water to a boil in a heavy pot. Add rabbit, salt and pepper. Bring back to boil and add corn, onion, tomatoes and salt pork. Cover and cook on low heat for 1 hour. Add potatoes and cook 45 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. Mix flour and butter into paste, and stir into stew. Simmer about 20 minutes. Go you big red fire engine