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  1. yeah i like that idea, how about making kind of like a pop-top underneath the board, then you don't have to have anything flapping, can use a bridle, and just run the line up through a hole in the board and then up some hard housing up your leg, the as soon as you drop the "cut away handle" the drogue will fall of the bottom of the board, catch the air and release the system. With a bit of technical jiggery pokery i'm sure it can be rigged so you only need 1 drogue which will by used to activate the system, and then bring it down saftly. Thoughts?
  2. With the idea of the water ski system, if the centre of spin was the board, i'm sure it would work perfectly, as your weight will pull you off, however if the centre of spin was your hips for instance, the only mass producing g-force is that of the board, which will be MUCH less. Another problem is that the drag this board will create will be quite high, so to stop it just coming off in the wind you will have to set the force on the bindings pretty high, so then if the board needed to release in some direction where the wind was not also creating drag (sideways for instance) the amount of spin to create the correct amount of g-force for detachment would surely be well above that which would kill you anyway. Did that make any sense? I'm not saying that i don't think it will work at all, but you need to think really carefully about how the experience in the air is different from that on the ground.
  3. During this "stunt" you're planning, would the problem g-force definately be in a certain direction, or would it need to work regardless of direction?
  4. I just thought you guys might be interested that here in the UK the BPA have over the last few months put together some new qualifications called CH and CP (Canopy Handling and Canopy Piloting) I think both of them have 2 different levels, which deal with a lot of the issues discussed here. I think it is just about to be implemented, and the last minutes of the Safety and Training Committee suggest that the new systems will become mandatory from the 1st June. If you're interested all the minutes from the BPA committees are online here