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    Eden North
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  1. I broke my tib/fib five months ago... I have three plates and thirteen screws but as far as i know the hardware is intact. The only problem I have are the screws on my ankle: they stick out prominently through the skin. Makes wearing boots impossible. I didn't know that the plates could break....and withouth you realizing it? Isn't titanium supposed to be a very strong metal? Anyway, sending some healing vibes!
  2. I am still recovering from my broken tib/fib. It happend 8 weeks ago. I expect to be back skydiving next spring - I already feel apprehensive about my first landings. Hearing your own bones snap is very unnerving. Let us know how your first jump back went! What sort of a canopy will you be jumping? Are you going back to a larger size canopy for a while?
  3. I have a five month old Bengal cat. Actually he is only 3/4 Bengal and we got him cheap. Visiually he is a very cool looking cat, all sleek and shiny and he does have a sort of wild/exotic look to him. He is more muscular and more athletic than your normal domestic cat. He can jump up on any counter or piece of furniture ( I think he jumps 3 feet from a stand-still). He is also very high-energy, always on the go. He has a love/hate relationship with water. Due to his ancestry he is fascinated with water. He loves to watch me take a bath. But he doesn't like getting wet. He loves people and is not shy or aggressiv. But he is not exactly a lap-cat either. He is way to high strung to lay down for more than five minutes. I think Bengals are very fascinating cats with a distinct wild side to them. I would get another one! I have some pictures of him on my webpage
  4. I got a bottle of 16 year old lagavulin for Christmas! What can I say - I love Scotch. Gotta make this bottle last though, it's expensive.
  5. Somewhat ambidextrous. I was a true righty but a couple of years ago I got weird urges to do more things with my left hand. I use the computer mouse with my left, hold my drinking glass in my left. I can write passably with my left hand, although slower than my right. I should work on this and become truly ambidextrous. I am also bilingual, maybe I should write something in German with my left hand while simultaneoulsy write a word in English with my right.
  6. I may have many failings...but I do have SELF-DISCIPLINE. Put me on an exercise program, I will stick with it. A diet, I will pull trough. Set goals, I will achieve them. And I don't make excuses.
  7. I am egocentric Self-centred egoistic. I tend to view the world from my point of view first, everyone else is unimportend.
  8. ....between you and me (not you and I.) The "you and me" at the end of a sentence is an object. The grammatical subject is" the telephone conversation." "You and I" is used when it's a subject, "You and me" when it's an object. That's what I learned in Highschool English. I am a native German... Greetings Sabine
  9. Yes, it was great going through AFF together. We could compare jumps and discuss our experiences. Plus we conquered the FEAR at around the same jump numbers. I would go nuts if I had no-one to talk to about my jumps! And my friends don't want to hear anything about skydiving anymore. There seem to be a few skydiving couples at our dropzone but mostly it's guys. Greetings Biene Im Falle eines Falles ist richtig Fallen alles.
  10. Hi Just a quick line to finally introduce myself. I am a newbie with just over 20 jumps. Did AFF last year and on to my A licence this year. Hubby and I discovered skydiving because we wanted to to something special for our wedding anniversary. We took the first jump course and both got hooked! Skydiving rocks. Greetings Biene Im Falle eines Falles ist richtig Fallen alles.