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  1. Can anyone recommend a non-aspherical wide angle lens for the Canon EOS 350D. Also, any example photos would be great. I am using a tokina 17mm at the moment but it doesn't look fisheye at all.
  2. Yep, sorry. I was just using the simpler search at the top right of screen. Thanks.
  3. When searching the forum is would useful to order results by post date. Grouping by thread would be good as well. Excellent site though!
  4. Sorry my profile is out of date. I have 265 jumps and C license. I have only started jumping camera since after 200 jumps. Nearly all my jumps since qualifying have been formation flat flying.
  5. I am just starting to practice filmng tandems. I am having trouble deciding which suit to use as each person I ask seems to have a different opinion. I am 10.5 stone (67kg) slim build and about 5ft10. I have fallen out slightly on a couple of videos with my RW suit but I have found it very hard to be as controlled when using a camera suit. Is it necessary to adopt new techniques for sidesliding, turning, swooping etc when using camera suit? The wings seem restrictive to me at the moment. I am wondering about maybe binning the wings and getting a free fly suit for the slow tandems. Any advise on how to fly a camera suit or any other tips greatly appreciated!