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Everything posted by junior_240

  1. if it was kyle he could wear like 3 weight vest and MAYBE be the same weight as me. of course i'm "big boned" and have good genetics lol
  2. he's like a buck 130 i think. hes a skinny MF LOL
  3. too bad you can't fly your parachute as good as that HAHAHAH LOL JK buddy i've never seen anyone glide a canopy like you - remember the night jumps LOL i better see you at the x-mas party M-fu**er ready to party, just study for your finals NOW!!!
  4. I just had to share the pain I went through. I am now partially blinded as well. Just imagine that is someones GRANDMA!!! how bout that for a strip show
  5. Yeah kinda like this old hag NSFW!!! warning - if you just ate lunch wait a half hour before opening
  6. Spring is so far away but there still seems to be butterflies around NSFW - sorry missed that
  7. I think taking my rig would be just too much to carry. Plus I'm not going there to jump, now if I was that would be a different story. I'm going to see the sights and all the good stuff, but I would like to make a jump or two I'm sure they'll have gear to rent, just have to make sure I give it a real good gear check.
  8. I'm planning a trip to europe next may and was thinking of maybe making a jump or two while I'm there. (depending on the money situation). The plan (and this is a rough draft) is to visit: England - Longdon, maybe another city as well Netherlands - Amsterdam France - Paris, French Riviera Switzerland - Interlaken, Gimmelwald Italy - Venice, Florence, Rome Spain - Barcelona, Sevilla (visiting a friend there so it's a must), Madrid This is in no particular order but somewhat of the route I'd like to take. I'd like to go to Prague but I don't know if I'll have time. Should I not miss it? the schedule is not set in stone yet. Just started looking into and doing some research. Any other recommendations? I was also wondering what are the basic requirements to jump over there - logbook, uspa card,....etc. I know they all differ, I just would like some feedback because it'll be a trip of a lifetime and when will I get the chance to jump over there again to experience something like that?!?
  9. They are not from Katrina. I've seen those way before she even struck. They've been floating around the internet for a while now. Sorry to burst your bubble
  10. I lost my shoe too this past weekend at the Richmond Boogie. Me and 3 friends tried to attempt a tube exit out of mullins king air. One guy was laying on his back and the other 3 of us were straddling him with everyone having leg strap grips. so we lauched out and it went to shit right away. i don't know how but my shoe must've gotten caught on something and was partially coming off while I was in the air. So I reached down and grabbed it thinking I could hold on to it while I finished the skydive, land and be good. (I was on my back when I attempted this) Well not happenin at all. Once I got it in my hand I was like YES I have it, then a second later it flew out of my hand as I watched it go bye bye - it was pretty cool though. The poor shoe went in in some corn field and will probably get chewed up by some farmers tractor. bless that blue shoe.
  11. Forrest Gump - who could forget about Bubba! The Golden Child The Gremlins Explorers
  12. I couldn't stop staring at her tits. I liked the see through top she had on!
  13. I didn't get pied on the day I did my 100th either. Skydivers are sneaky. They got me a couple weeks later when I least expected it. Total suprise. You'll get it sooner or later
  14. Start out only inserting it this much, then work your way up (unless you're a whore)
  15. alanab - looks like you got it pretty good too!! it's all in good fun though right?
  16. you only got 1 pie?? you are lucky.
  17. Chris Got any pics you'd like to share? hehehe
  18. I think only 1 or 2 out of the 10 had dog food in it and once someone mentioned that I closed my mouth I've heard stories of people getting way worse than what I had
  19. Well I got my 100th skydive a few weeks back and never got pied. So I thought I was in the clear and maybe they forgot, boy I was wrong. I should've known how sneaky skydivers can be. They tricked me into going outside saying that this one girl was going to climb the beacon tower naked. i was like "hell yeah, naked chick, I'm there!" So when I went outside this big guy grabbed me and I didn't know what was going on at first, then I realized it (with all the camera flashes going off) and didn't try to fight it. So I let them tie me up and took it like man.
  20. It's a awesome time!! my home DZ and all i can say is that it's a great/fun place. You'll have tons of fun!!! Just be ready to PARTY!!!
  21. Riki Lake was a cutie back then (big ba dunk a dunk!!!), I wonder how she looks now? Also, now that Oprah has lost some weight, she's looking pretty good. I'd give it to her.
  22. Joan Rivers - ooooohhhh baby, she is smokin!!!!