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Everything posted by magol

  1. Just ordered mine from GoPro's Website. This is what was sent to me on my confirmation email..... Based on today's date, the current *estimated* shipping window for your particular order is: week starting 23-Nov-2009 For update-to-date information, you can visit
  2. I can't believe I'm on vacation and still looking at this damn incident
  3. I agree, after watching the video, that this was definitely a spin that could have ben stopped. But as I stated, I made it worse, it was ME. What you can't see on the video is the spin speeding up honestly to the point that I couldn't even reach my pilot chute(no bullshit), yet alone bring my knees in and nearly passing out. I fought for it for nearly 30 seconds. Learn from my dumbass and get out of that shit fast and don't speed it up to the point you nearly pass out. XOXOXO
  4. That video definitely makes me dizzy all over again. After watching this video again, it looks like I tried to arch out of the spin at the beginning and then resorted to several brief attempts at balling up which actually caused me to spin faster- then hard arching out of it. Each time I tried to ball up I remember It was harder to shut down my legs. Maybe a fully commited grabbing my knees and pulling them to my chest (as you guys have stated) at the first moments in a fast spin, and holding that position for 5+seconds until the spin stops on its own would be the answer. I know for a fact that it is very hard to shutdown my legwing in a spinning situation, but causing that spin to continue to the point I did, made it virtually impossible for me to shut it down. I've never been in a situation like this spin that I couldn't get out of, and it dumbfounds me that I let it get out of hand. Hopefully some good comes out of this video. I know I've learned some good tips from everyone. NEVER GIVE UP!!!
  5. I did have my zippers closed, as I prefer the solid pressurization it allows and no flapping. I personally like it zipped for BASE also, as it inflates and flys almost immediately. It definitely makes the leg harder to shut down, but sure makes it fly nice and rigid. I'm off to Puerto Rico for the week, but I'll get back to this thread in a few days. Scott, go ahead and post a couple pics. I definitely have been having fun freaking out all my friends.
  6. Just got back from the Moab Boogie (good times). I was the jumper on the load with Charlie. First of all, I love my S-Bird and honestly haven't wanted to jump another suit since I received it. It has so much range in it, and it can really haul ass once you hit the sweet spot. I jumped a phantom 2 for 100+ skydives and 25+ BASE jumps before I ordered the Tonysuit and honestly thought it would be impossible to get into a flatspin ( I even tried on several occasions, but would always end up belly to earth in a good flying position). Once I received the Tonysuit, I jumped the crap out of it. I was setting all kinds of personal records for myself. My goal was to get close to 100 jumps on it before my trip to Switzerland which was a month and a half after I got the suit (which I did). I then made 30+ wingsuit BASE jumps with no incident at all, and was flying further and faster then I had before. On a couple occasions when I was learning to fly the suit, either a bad exit or a burble had sent me into a flatspin, but I was always able to get out of them quickly. On this particular jump we did gainer exits out of the skyvan and then Charlie and I were to link up and start doing "over unders". Once we docked, we gave each other a fistpump and then he went under me a little closer than I expected and burbled the shit out of me (focker). I clipped my right foot on him as I fell out of the sky, and it sent me directly into a fast flatspin. I remained calm, as this has happened before, and tried my hardest to get out of it by shutting down the wings and arching hard until I saw ground. This did nothing, and I was gaining more speed on my back with my legs above me. I then balled up and tried to get out of it as I have in the past, but I just kept gaining speed and kept spinning faster and faster. I was able to get out of my armwings, but by the time I was out of them, the force on my body was so intense, I couldn't move my arms at all outside my spin to reach my pilot chute. At this time I was so dizzy and the gforce was so great that I fealt I had seconds before I was gonna pass out, so I went to my last resort and pulled my reserve on my back in the most extreme flatspin. The pilot chute remained in tow above me for several seconds, until some how I was able to reach the bridle on my side and yank on it. Reserve came out (completely spun up), but another life saved. There's footage. Ed, Instead of whining about people who aren't a "Wingsuit GOD" like yourself- who don't have rediculous amounts of skydives like yourself, sit back and realize that this could happen to someone-maybe even one of your students, and address the problem (I'm lucky to have pulled this off before I completely passed out). I don't want my wingsuit changed in any way functionally, but with suits that have pressurized large leg wings that extend past the feet, realize this can happen. What about making a leg cutaway for these larger suits??? I feel that if I were able to get out of the legwing (which was causing my flatspin), I could have stopped the flatspin and corrected myself. Just a thought. The rest of my jumps at the Boogie were awesome-such a beautiful place to jump. Had a great time hangin with everyone.
  7. I was also wondering if the helicopter was still around, and for how long?