After my first tandem, we've decided were going to start taking the AFF series (in two weeks). But, I guess I have a few questions.
Timewise, how close do I need the jumps to be together? This is more of a funding issue then a availability. I know everyones gonna say as close as possible; but is ~2 weeks too long to go inbetween?
Should I even look at starting to buy my own gear accessories [altimeter,helmet,gloves,jumpsuit..] so I can "get used to them" or something?
Another question thats been bothering me, is that one of the only complains, if you can even call it that, on my tandem was all the air rushing up my nose (reminiscent of accidently inhaling water through your nose in a pool). Am I just a wuss?, bad technique?, is this an aquired thing? will a full face helmet help?