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Everything posted by RobV

  1. Q: You what the similarity is between Budwiser and sex in a canoe ?! A: It's f#%$king close to water !!!
  2. Saskia, You should try Plato video converter..... Groet, Rob
  3. And a P-51, and a Stearman.....but what makes it even better is you can still get to 13k for $13 Be safe Ed $13 to 13k ?!?!....damn! At my dropzone I pay $32 to 12k ..... NOT fair !
  4. Weren't there several places which did free nekkid tandems
  5. Total of 3 days: Day 1: Theory + Level 1 & 2 Day 2: Level 3 (Twice ) & 4 Day 3: Level 5, 6 & 7 Ciao, Rob
  6. Not a TM...but 70 sec. of freefall time ?! Here in Holland tandems usually open their chute at approx. 5000 feet. That would mean an exit altitude of about 18.000 feet !? Would you not need (at least on board) extra O2 ?! Rob
  7. RobV

    Movie quoting....

    Another very nice quote... "Yes, London. You know: fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fucking Poppins... LONDON." Rob