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  1. Thanks for the tips, I'll have a play around with it. For some reason, when I put this card in, my broadband modem just wont establish a connection. As soon as I take the F/W card out, it works fine.
  2. Hi guys, I have a new PC at home which doesn't have firewire but has USB2 ports. I've tried using an expansion PCI firewire card but this tends to screw with my broadband however I try to configure it. Does anybody know if there is a solution to attach a PC-120 with USB2?
  3. I've done exactly that and had some nice 1st results! Bought a cheap firewire card and cable combo, (also has USB2 ports) didn't even need drivers for the card. wacked the PC120 on the cable, switched to VCR and I was capturing video, chopping it up, adding intros, text, fade-in's/out's and loads of music all within about an hour! Would the Avid free DV software be a sensible step up from the Windows Movie maker? I'm having fun with this!
  4. Will I need any drivers specifically for my PC120 so XP will detect it or will my PC just pick it up and be able to capture from it and write to it?
  5. I've got XP, I think it's on there. I'll give that a shot b4 I try anything else. Need to just learn how to capture video first, will movie maker do that ok?
  6. Thanks for the help guys, I was just having a look at the Avid free software which looks like an easy place for me to start playing with vid. It says it's minimum memory requirement is 1gb, will I be ok with 500mb. How about Premier 6.0/6.5 is 500mb of for those too?
  7. I've borrowed a copy of Adobe Premier Pro 7.0 to see what it's like and I've installed it on my PC ok but it wont run. It says my CPU doesn't support the SSE instruction set. I have an Athlon 1ghz processor and 500mb of memory. Can any1 suggest a 'lighter' application I could use to capture and edit video from my PC120?
  8. Found a few other threads on this, went for the easy option.
  9. I need to take the strap off my PC120. I've unscrewed the swivel part from the front but I need to take the strap off the point at the rear. Can I do this without destroying the strap? If so, could somebody tell me which parts I need to unscrew, before I have to take the whole door apart to 'see how it works'
  10. I too am in the UK and I'd like to either find instructions to make one or buy one for my PC120 if anyone finds out, please let me know.
  11. By the way, email 2KC and get them to send you some pics, the FFX is in production. I've got 2 pics of it but they're both over 2.5mb, if any1 wants me to forward them on, let me know.
  12. I've been talking to 2KC about their products recently and trying to decide which to go for. They have revamped the Side FX and they're now also doing the FFX which is basically the FF2 but the box is moulded as part of the helmet so it's really clean and safe. You basically lift the lining on the inside and mount the cam on an internal L bracket, looks really good.
  13. I may get it looked at, it would probably only be something simple that needs sorting. In the meantime, I know what to do and it's not exactly going to give me a headache doing it. Anyway I got this camera for around £100 less than they are generally going for in the UK on Ebay, so I'm not moaning now that I know the camera isn't 'cattle trucked'
  14. Right, here's an update, and it's looking pretty good! I thought I'd explain this fully as it may help someone else if they ever have the same symptoms. After sending a pissy email to the guy who sold it to me, he replied with "Have you made sure the tape has been fully loaded before you close the manual door?" Um.. I think I have... He then goes on to say.. "When it's pulled the tape in, try pushing down on the frame containing the tape, I sometimes would get sound 'dropout' if the tape isn't loaded properly" So, after a little fiddling, I find that there is some play once the tape is loaded, the left side of the frame which holds the tape can move about 1mm inwards a little more. If you look at the pic, if you imagine pushing on the yellow label saying "Do NOT push" the left side would move in slightly towards the top of the camera. If there is no tape in there, you can see the steel post (tape guide?) nearest you in the picture move very slightly. If I record and playback now, it works fine. It may still be temperamental if the tape shifts so I may put some kind of shim at the bottom of the door to keep the tape from moving. At least I know it's not the heads. I'm glad I perceviered with this rather than throw it in the bin.
  15. Been playing around with the camera a bit more and I keep getting the tape eject symbol pop up in the middle of the screen. I took the tape out at the point it was at and discovered this!... Could this be down to really duff tapes or is it likely to be that the camera is REALLY shagged!?