Home schooling is a tremendous opportunity if done correctly and for the right reasons. I home school both of my children. My oldest daughter is getting ready to go into one of the service academies, has very high SAT and ACT scores and is the Cadet Commander of a Civil Air Patrol squadron. Her Blue and Gold officer is extremely impressed with how well- rounded she is. My youngest daughter has been home schooled for three years, does exceedingly well academically and is also a cadet in the Civil Air Patrol. Not only have both of them excelled in their schooling but they are light-years ahead of a majority of their peers socially (maybe it was spending so much time at the drop zone!). They are well-rounded, well-spoken, respectful and a pleasure to be around. I'm not just boasting - we are told this time and again by their friends' parents, people at the places they work and volunteer, tutors and coaches. For us it's been the best decision we've ever made and socialization has NOT been an issue. In fact, I think schools today are a breeding ground for negative socialization.