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Everything posted by McBeth

  1. I'm in shock right now... I will miss you girl
  2. AvgJoe brianfry713 Clownburner Elisha Feeblemind flygirl1 girlfalldown JankyBob kelpdiver McBeth monkycndo Nightingale NWFlyer skybytch UntamedDOG vdschoor Weakmindedfool
  3. Yummy Zinfandel... never had it til I moved to CA, but I am a huge fan. I also like simple mixed drinks, and beer all depends on where I am. So I guess I must be a chameleon.
  4. So how do the ze crazy frenchies say it?
  5. Actually worked... oh wait I was doing that when the forums were up too. I did go shopping at Vicoria's Secret and Macy's too
  6. McBeth

    Sudoku anyone?

    I just finished it too
  7. McBeth


    Congrats Phil... It's been way too long since I've seen you. I will try to be at the DZ at some point this weekend. Hope to see you there. Looking like it will be Sunday, and maybe the party on Saturday night.
  8. You're the one who brought popcorn to the party.... Well now I wanna take it away It's a good thing I finished before reading that
  9. Fresh out of Crack... Here.. Have an Altoid instead. I have some white cheddar cheese popcorn Is that where he. . . . Ewww. No thanks. I'll stick with the altoids Ewwwwww... now I'm grossed out
  10. Fresh out of Crack... Here.. Have an Altoid instead. I have some white cheddar cheese popcorn
  11. Grrrrr I know you want to be closer to Leah on the list, but it's alphabetical people
  12. Did you ever put yourself on the list? I can't read peoples minds Here you go. Elisha Feeblemind girlfalldown JankyBob kelpdiver McBeth monkycndo NWFlyer skybytch vdschoor
  13. I said no, but then I remembered about the time I opened a new bank account and the lady who opened it didn't tell me that the whole balance wouldn't be available for about a week. Oops. They ended up releasing some of the money for me to cover the checks and refunding me fees. But techinically they did bounce initially.
  14. Damn I shouldn't have moved him... now I don't have him on top of me anymore
  15. Are you looking for a spanking? Feeblemind girlfalldown JankyBob kelpdiver McBeth monkycndo NWFlyer skybytch vdschoor
  16. And from someone who is completely impartial... SDA sounds like the right decision. I will be jumping one day, probably bbqing tomorrow, maybe head to the party at the dz tomorrow night. I just can't decide.
  17. Oooh I think I will be able to play tonight too
  18. McBeth

    Who's naked?

    Why not? Afraid we might ask for a webcam?