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Everything posted by McBeth

  1. OMG! were you there? btw...When you gonna come get your sumpin'? .. It's starting the feel as if you don't love it anymore.. When are you going to invite me over to get my sumpin' sumpin' ?
  2. For some reason I keep thinking this says "If I met you in prison..."
  3. Damn... you is old Wanna come to the East Bay for drinks tonight?
  4. I wouldn't say I blush easily, but random things will make me blush a lot, just ask Gia about the bathroom incident in San Diego.
  5. Ooooh I love making people blush
  6. OK I'm jealous it have been years since I've had a good chocolate covered pretzel
  7. Damn... I thought I was the only one
  8. I will definitely see it... might wait to see it on Netflix though.
  9. You are going to kill the poor worms just to make you feel better
  10. Obnoxious in a good way though
  11. Happy birthday girlie... hope to see you again soon.
  12. Yes I suppose I can be shy on here and in person. Tee hee you called me a good girl.
  13. Hmmm other people can probably answer this better for me... I would say I can be a bit more serious in person, it's very rare that I take anything that happens in the Bonfire seriously. I'm just as silly and sexual in person though
  14. McBeth

    Waiting . . .

    If you just noticed that you aren't doing a very good job of stalking You only have 18 posts. So not that much time to notice. But no, my stalking is in a horrible state. You will have to carry me. I can certainly try, but my stalking skills aren't very strong right now.
  15. McBeth

    Waiting . . .

    If you just noticed that you aren't doing a very good job of stalking
  16. McBeth

    Waiting . . .

    I'm currently waiting for you to get to this coast and drive North
  17. McBeth

    Waiting . . .

    Hey now... what's wrong with Californians?
  18. A salad or a sandwich or sometimes leftovers.
  19. McBeth

    Greys Anatomy

    I really like it being on Sunday nights... we should start a petition
  20. Check out this thread. Lost Prairie is amazing time.
  21. Just remember it's only a 5 hour drive