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Everything posted by 87SupraT

  1. Can't go wrong with a Lite-On http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106042 ~Dale
  2. Of getting back in the air, waited too long after my 2nd. I have been dwelling over my next jump for 3 years now . ~Dale
  3. Haven't jumped since October 2004, my AFF is mostly prepaid and the money is available to finish my A right now..... just scared. ~Dale
  4. I just received my copy from Triax, fast shipping as usual
  5. I have Premiere Pro, but don't have After Effects. Anyway to do it with just Premiere Pro? I searched through it help file and didn't find anything. Edit: I searched "Titles" in help and found something along the lines. I will mess with it. ~Dale
  6. Well, I am tired of using the cross-fade transition with pictures made in MSPaint as my titles . I'm curious what program people use to make their animated titles in DVD's, IE Triax Productions on Continuum II. Thanks. Dale ~Dale
  7. 87SupraT

    Wake Up!

    2nd that ^^ ~Dale
  8. I saw that in the video. How high was the cliff he launched from? ~Dale
  9. 87SupraT

    BASE game

    Whens the first playable alpha release? It looks great, keep it up! Dale ~Dale
  10. A suggestion, don't get used to doing your workouts on machines(Some machines are nice, Free Motion ones), such as an incline or decline bench machine. This only isolates the main muscle. Dumbell incline and decline are probably the best chest excersies, other than just straight bench. The dumbells allow you to work your stabilizer/control muslces, you will get a more defined chest this way. Work the bigger muscles first as they take the most energy, and stick to your schedule, you will see results faster. Have fun doing it! Dale ~Dale
  11. LMAO, the best one is the trashcan or the cabinet door. ~Dale
  12. Thanks! GTI, those cars are sweet too. My cousin owns one, she has done some minor bolt on mods. Seth: I'm sure, but nothing powers(Umm I mean spins) out of straight line at 38% throttle , like a RWD upgraded turbo at 18 psi.
  13. On Campus: Riding an 01 Red Schwin, Shimano Hardware, on 26's(High Roller, what can I say ) No pic, sorry. Daily Driver is a 1987 Toyota Supra Turbo, rebuilt from ground up. Soon a 1972 Chevy Shortbed Truck, it is in the making, building it from the ground up too(A Tad easier), should finish it this summer. ~Dale
  14. The bike wasn't hanging from the antenna, it struck it and tumbled to the ground. Also, they didn't just throw the bike off for pure amusement, it was ridden off and then released. My point, as small as the bike was and how ginormous the antenna is, it probably didn't cause any damage other than a scratch. Of course, it could have hit more vital parts(Dishes, etc.) on the antenna causing expensive damages, but it didn't. I think Jimmy's group is a very creative group, I enjoy your DVDs, keep it up . ~Dale
  15. Dragon, thanks for setting advice. DivX, I think there is something wrong with mine or something, when I encode an AVI using the DivX codec for compression, the video doesn't play for crap, it is pixelated and jumpy all over. Yea, if I can't fit what I want on a DVD at full filesize, then I was probably going to mildly compress it, depending on how much it takes to fit on the DVD. There is a MPEG2 DVD option too, so that might work fairly well. Haha, I don't own a Mac, but have nothing against them
  16. Well, I purchased the 4-4 pin cable and captured using Premiere on the laptop. It came out perfect, no dropped frames at all, the quality is amazing, just like on the TV. The file size for a minute and 8 second video is 220 megs though! I need to get another harddrive for my desktop to start storing these big file sized videos. I still may get a card for my desktop somewhere down the road, put my Raptor HDD to work, but for now this is working well. Thanks for all the help. Although, I do have one final question. What do yall do about compressing the videos? I tried mpeg2 with various quality setting, video and audio, and the smallest I got the 220 was 42.3 with fairly good quality minus alot of horizontal fuzz lines on quick movements. The one I ended up stopping on was Windows Media WM9 NTSC 1024k Download quality, with 720x480 resolution. The quality is good enough for the internet and the 220 megs dropped to 7.4! I think I may use this setting for now, just curious what other settings yall might use. Thanks again. Dale ~Dale
  17. Hmm, I may check on the card first, then buy the cable. If I remember correctly the size of the firewall port on a desktop card is fairly big, so I would need a 4 pin to the rectangle-triangle topped one. The laptop specs are: Pentium 4 3.0 ghz 512 mb Ram ATI 9100 Radeon Mobility graphics card The tiny IEEE 1394 port is built into the laptop, and is not removable like a pcmcia card. What do you think about it, should I still invest in the card for the desktop? Thanks for the responses. Dale ~Dale
  18. I am trying to transfer some footage from my PC109 to my PC. My desktop doesn't have firewire but my laptop has the tiny 4 pin port, so I could put it on my laptop then share it to my desktop. Anyways, will I only need to get a 4 - 4 pin cable to transfer? Will it automatically detect the camera and self install or will I need to locate some drivers? I have Adobe Premiere 7.0 Pro, and will be using it to capture the video. The other question, will Premiere capture the video at full quality from the camera? Thanks. Dale ~Dale
  19. Thanks for the response. I went ahead and purchased the Sony .6x. Thank again. Dale ~Dale
  20. Heh yea, not skydiving. Just all around, for anything from winte/summer trips, my friends motorcycle during racing, everything really. Just your better all around wide-angle lens. Dale ~Dale
  21. I have recently purchased a Sony PC-109 and looking at getting a wide-angle lens. I have kind of narrowed it down on these two, I searched the forums, I am not looking to spend alot of money, just one that will get the job done. First: Sony 0.6x Wide-Angle Lens Second: Opteka 0.5x Wide Angle Lens Opteka 2x Telephoto Lens Opteka 0.43x Full Fisheye Lens Also, a bunch of other goodies. The Opteka costs about $40 than the Sony, but it does come with alot. What do yall think of Opteka or recommend for something in that price range? Thanks. Dale ~Dale
  22. PM's replied to. Thanks. Dale ~Dale
  23. Looking to get ahold of some current Houston jumpers. PM please. Thanks. Dale ~Dale