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normiss last won the day on July 12 2024

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  1. He finally achieved the Find Out status of the fuck around game.
  2. Easily done. Like I have done EVERY gun transfer to or from me. At the local cop shop. They were VERY happy to assist to make sure the guns were clean, no criminal history, and both parties background checks were clear.
  3. Clearly it wouldn't, I would hope both side of the "transaction" would face severe penalties. Maybe a dime for each?
  4. TDS is strongest with the Rapist Felon in Chief. He's a fucking criminal.
  5. Disguise it like they do in the south, make it a Jebus cross!
  6. Seems to be a habit, but only if it matters to HIM.
  7. Every time a gun MOVES, background check. Dad died and left you his guns? Background check.
  8. Given that's not an actual issue - you finger it the fuck out.
  9. Refreshing suddenly feels like the wrong word .....
  10. It has been somewhat refreshing to see why he was permabanned.
  11. Especially the part where he claims unqualified people of color are hired over a skilled white guy. In my experience in corporate America, DEI simply made sure that minorities are represented in the job application process, not simply hired because of their minority status. But I'm mostly worked for major American companies, what do I know besides a coworker at Intergraph in the 80's make the open statement when I recommended a black man over a redneck with very little networking experience - "We ain't hiring no niggers here." I took the offer from Honeywell the following week.
  12. Given he took that question out of my post would appear to also answer his question. The current ignorance is more of a refusal of factual information in preference of youtube videos - that's not the fault of even a poor education system. It's more of a refusal to accept the knowledge in front of you IMO. Had a fun discussion with an anti-vaxer at work today. He will refuse ALL vaccines because of the lack of evidence that they work in mind. Idiot.
  13. Calling out racism is not being a racist. Whatever your word salad attempts to convey beyond that is, again, lost in the salad.
  14. Fair winds and following seas my friend. I'll get the first round when we cross paths - let's do that.
  15. T!!!!!! I'll track you down on the other sites and addresses - look forward to crossing paths again - if you're ever in the Asheville area, hit us up!