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Everything posted by laraatalti2

  1. For those who don't like DIY - Square One glove ~ Lara ps - hi Steve
  2. Hi Chris! L&B support is fantastic, no matter where in the world you are. Their reputation and quality of service makes us reach higher, I hope we can do the same for them. It's fun to compete with a company that's so easy to respect. On that note, I regret using a thread about their product to talk about Neptune but I do want to reply to your post - chalk it up to an early morning mistake, getting involved here in the first place! There will always be an upcoming revision to the Neptune. The sport grows so quickly that we'll always have new ideas and features, not to mention new technologies that allow us to do more. To be less vague, we do have some specific things cooking at the moment, but to stay vague, I'll leave it at that. I understand about price concerns - have you looked for a used Neptune? It would be nice to lower prices, but they've actually stayed at the promotional introductory price since they were introduced 3 years ago. Contrary to popular opinion, we don't get boards for 10 cents from China or Taiwan, and everything is hand built in our factory in Florida. I'm not getting sucked into a debate about global economics, so don't anyone try. If we can lower costs, we definitely will, but as far as I know, the price will be the same for the time being. Any other questions, please feel free to call, e-mail or IM me - or start a new thread! ~ Lara ps - for a list of all software revisions, check out the version history
  3. The Neptune also has the ability to change/add/remove/enhance features with a free software update. Right *now* the Neptune has fixed altitude alarms and quiet canopy alarm volume, but who knows what the future holds? ~ Lara ps - Oops, I didn't mean to hijack this thread, just saw the Neptune question and had to reply! The rusty old brain doesn't work well before noon
  4. No way - you too?!? The people at the drive-thru were not so friendly to me, they just pulled up to get their order and drove off! I did go back later that night and get a free meal, though. The store manager thought I was going to sue them - I still am not quite sure for what. The funny (or stupidly, incredibly lucky) thing is that I had taken Scott Miller's canopy course the week before. If it wasn't for that, I would have really been in some serious pain. After that, I wanted to make bracelets that said "WWSMD" - what would Scott Miller do - because that's what ran through my head from the minute I knew I would not make it back to the DZ. My whuffo friends & family have not gotten tired of McDonald's drive-thru jokes, even two years later
  5. Wow, that's quite a move for the world's best tunnel flyer! Not to mention the world's best tracker / sit flyer / canopy pilot / international drunk dialer! Oh, and the world's best raider of closed bars from which to get banned. Have I forgotten any of the other world's best titles??
  6. Not rigs, but we have a stolen/lost/found Altimaster list: link Some owners are even offering rewards. ~Lara
  7. Hi Scoop! If this is the case, I wouldn't personally go with an altimeter that displays 0-15k linearly. Check out the region under 1000' - it's pretty small on any model like that (and most analogs, for that matter - that's why people were recommending a digital). Just want to make sure you understand what you're asking for ~ Lara
  8. J - thank YOU!!!! SkyFest was amazing as always. Thank you for giving us such a great opportunity. It's also a lot of fun to just be there, but shh, don't tell my bosses that! It was great seeing everyone again - Dave, congrats on your award, you'll make a damn good AFFI. Thanks to you and everyone else for the sunset (?!) hop & pop, too
  9. Hi Sam, you found us! You can send in your altimeter any time for a checkup and re-calibration if necessary. details Just make sure to include your name, mailing address, and contact information INSIDE the package if you decide to send it. Sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how many packages we get with no note, no address, just a happy little orphaned altimeter. You should also register your new Galaxy: register. Please call (+1 386 943 9333) or e-mail us if you have any questions. ~Lara ps - mods, I hope this isn't considered advertising! edit as needed
  10. Plus, it's Justin's birthday today, so think of it as giving him presents! Happy birthday Jetson ~Lara
  11. What, you mean no one else measures time by lamb? I'm just thinking outside the box, following the path less taken, and keeping it real. And Denise, you totally kicked ass! That's not just some girl-power thing, it's true - anyone who gets right back on the horse after being tossed off kicks a little, in my book. ~Lara
  12. Sorry for the delay with the scores, guys, that's my fault...but they'll be up in two shakes of a lamb's tail. Thanks everyone for a fun meet - congrats to everyone! ~Lara PS - Denise kicked ass!!
  13. The only thing to check is that the software version is up to date. Sometimes product sits on dealer's shelves after we've released an update. Other than that, you'll be fine! ~ Lara
  14. Wow, in the time it took me to post my sorry ass reply, two awesome field reps have already said it better than I could! So the moral of the story is, don't ask a Neptune question without really really really wanting to get showered with help
  15. It sounds like a low battery - update your software and get a new battery in there. Like everyone said, our Altimaster Field Support members are exceptional and they can help sort you out! Check out our website for just about any Neptune question you could come up with and feel free to contact us any time. Have fun with your new toy! ~ Lara
  16. Hi guys, I am blatantly cutting and pasting from our website here: --------------------------- Altimaster V The Altimaster V was originally designed by SSE to be a low cost entry level instrument, it was not designed to be repaired. This model had been discontinued long before Alti-2 acquired the Altimaster range. For these reasons we are unable to offer any warranty coverage for this model. We do have a "Trade-Up" program for owners of Altimaster V altimeters. Trade Up program Edited by slotperfect: please use the link to see the details of the trade-up program. That will keep this reply well within the Forum Rules. Thanks!
  17. That one gets my vote!! How about celebrity guest voice alarms? Jay Moledzki saying, 'dude, you better dig now, man'...or Ian Bobo 'well, if you calculate the angle of attack, divided by the ratio of glide to drag, oh, oops, too late'. Yeah, this will all be in the next software release. Right along with the automated packing machine, Va-poo-rize, and cold fusion.
  18. Hi Jim, The Altimaster Titan is not just the heads up display, but the whole system. You could choose to get the Titan Core + GPS + audible and program it to do exactly what you are asking for. You can even adjust what tone you hear and what data it's communicating to you. Right now, we are focusing on the HUD (SportVue) as the first Titan peripheral to be released, but it's definitely not all there is to the Titan! Feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions. ~Lara
  19. Hi Travis, I'm sorry I didn't make myself more clear on the phone (it is Monday morning though ). What I tried to get across was that if there was going to be any charge at all, that we would contact you. The absolute worst case scenario for you would be a charge of $49.95 + $10 for shipping. I forgot to mention that the best case scenario would be no cost to you at all, sorry about that. I think you'll see that most people are pretty happy with our repair policy and service. I'm also sorry, I didn't know you were going to Eloy. If you want to contact me about a loaner altimeter, I'd be more than happy to try and work something out for you. Lara
  20. Yep, we're checking out the logs. Just to clarify, the thread I started about vertical speed logging isn't in response to your issue, Trevor. I will let you know what we find out about your log. It's been a busy day in the world of logging
  21. For information about Neptune's vertical speed logging capability, check out the Neptune Owners Pages - click on the 'Important Information for Swoopers' link. There's also a lot of other useful information in those pages. And, if you haven't discovered yet, hitting 'F1' in the Neptune Updater invokes a help file (which I would love feedback on, by the way). I hope this isn't considered advertising, but we've had some interest in the subject and I wanted to direct people's attention to the right information. Please contact us with questions, feedback, or suggestions! ~ Lara
  22. Good luck Jim, to you and everyone at Spaceland. You and everyone there were so gracious and accomodating to us at SkyFest, you're in our thoughts right now! Take care of yourselves!! ~Lara