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Everything posted by birdman398

  1. the shot you speek of was filmed in one take from at least three differnt angles, only one caught the complete jump and thats waht you see in the film.
  2. what I've done in the past is to carry everything in a soft frame back pack, including a light sleeping bag,don't forget ample food supply, also a waterpump with a filter, you never know when the weather can turn bad on you, for the jump you put all gear in the back pack and adjust it so it hangs low on the body then cover it up with a long sleeve sweat shirt , then put you rig on last, also most rigs have a place on the main lift web at the mud flab where you can attatch seperating D-rings for Tersh or a carry bag. have fun
  3. I would personally like to appologize for the failure of the photographs of the 25 way night diamond to all of the crew jumps who worked so hard to complete such an awsome formation , it truly was a site to behold, mike flew that sucker right at the moon and would have been a one of a kind photo, I was added to the event at the last minute and was not able to pull it off do to a teQuotechnical malfunction that could have been prevented. my sincereist apoligies as I feel I let you all down. Steven