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Everything posted by honda

  1. Lori, We currently are living in belgium. Btw I forgot to log in my profile (was trained static in 75 with 20 jumps no freefall not even PRCP you needed the same instructor on each load what was difficult at the time, continue skydiving with AFF in 94 in empuria brava) but did not continue the sport. And with even that training I don't know what to advise to my daughter. Bernie
  2. Having all the answers is very educating. I still wounder if it is not the beginning freefall that is most difficult to handle, in other words the beginning delays and once you're sure you master the stable position you get a boost of confidence. Same reply for AFF the first free exit, without holding any grips, and once you gain confidence whah.. I am still avid of other opinions in this "Fear Factor Post"
  3. Hello, Here Bernie, I have a question related to skydiving. I already contact some people but like to know your opinion in general. Here is my question. Is the static line, in terms of fear, more difficult to handle than AFF, on the way to the freefall license. With other words is s/l more uncomfortable than AFF to become a full skilled skydiver? Thanks for your remarks. I ask that particular question for my daughter who wants to become a skydiver.[email]