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Everything posted by mickknutson

  1. mickknutson

    main colors

    why is that? you mean that theres a bigger chance to see the siullete at the sky or what? I use a Black canopy,whith a purple center cell and stabilazors,white and red lines.. What you see omst at it when its open is the vents..(do they make them black?? mine are white,which aint stealth at all..). Just an quick add,as said before,the first thing notice is the crack as the canopy opens,that will always be noisy and bring attention,its up to you to smoke it low,so you minimize the time in the air were you can be spotted,oh.. and a cleaver aussi once said"its under the canopy people gets hurt,so its about minimize that time"(might not word correct but like that),sounds like the right attitude to me The black with purple is still broken up colors. Althought alternating cells is just better. Yes, the larger the target (3-7 black canopy cells), is easier to see against a dark blue night sky. Grey is just closer to that color. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  2. It might cost you a good chunk of money, but I think paying to come to the USA to one of the manufacturers First Jump coarses is a great value to you, and well worth the money. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  3. THere is already a thread on BLiNC about this as well. Just to note when thinking of this: Jason, what legal ramifications are YOU facing if there is illegal activity planned and executed on this secured forum? I am not so sure that I would NOT be held as an accessory to the crime if I allowed the discussion to be held in a private sactioned place. Look at DM in L.P. He did not force anyone to jump, but did organize. Having a private forum where people can talk about things might not be any different than this. That is my only concern. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  4. Please PM me with details of any case in which you have seen this. I'll be happy to go back and have a look at anything I may have missed. It's not just Tom... I've noticed if the person that names a well known site is a BASE jumper, it is accepted. But if the person is not a BASE jumper, they get shit for it. I don't know if it's just to make sure the non-BASE jumper knows the rules or if it's a double standard. Example: Thread I posted in... A search for this site name in this forum... In any case, it doesn't hurt to just leave names out regardless. I think that the better meaning was.... You posted a site name on a forum, acting like a complete know-nothing wuffo, asking about a bridge that you could jump off of. This is the same bridge I have seen high school students parachuting from. This is not the type of behaviour that we need to keep the bridge opened. You searches are correct. Is has been posted before. But, the internet is also the poorest place to display and judge attitude, and actualy expressions. Neticate is scattered, and not well known. Moderators have the world toughest job, because we know about neticate, but also know most people don't. Then have cultural differences to deal with, just to keep control over a group that could always explode at any moment like a NUKE! Not easy. I think Tom does an amazing job. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  5. He does. He also makes exceptions if you are one of his buddies. If you belong to that group you get away with site naming, sarcasm, personal attacks, and so on. Naming legal sites like the wall in Norway, Italy, the one-day-deal bridge and others should be allowed. I don't think I would agree at all with your "buddies" statement. He allows certain things to be posted at times. The wall in Norway, the Cave in Mexico, the cliff in Italy, the Building in Malaysia etc.... I don't think it has anything to do with buddies. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  6. I'm not sure about this bit. Once laws have been passed banning BASE at specific sites, they have never been repealed. With that in mind, I think that "burning" (i.e. behaving in such a manner that local authorities ban jumping) a legal site is the worst offense in the range of "burnings." The NPS still remembers names of people they busted in the 80's. They do not forget! Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  7. I responded: In response to ZegeunerLeben..... I think YES, you burned That site. The degree of burning might not be fully know, but there will be charing... But............... That is only the start! If a "BASE-Jumper" is acting in a burning manner, then waffos will steriotype ALL BASE-Jumpers. So, if there are several other objects in the same area/region that have gone unburned for years maybe, with this one act, people start opening up there eyes as they are pissed off that some punk is acting in a way that is telling them to "kiss my ###". This is what people are going to think. Then, that super sweet object that you have tried to protect so well, is now also under scrutiny by everyone. I was taught that 95% of all base jumps are never known by anyone. Just my 2cents... Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  8. I don't think we should be eating our young, but when I started jumping, I was FORCED to go with an experienced jumper. I actually then hooked up with several top notch jumpers, and was TAUGHT what I needed to know, instead of just winging it! This is what I mean when I talk about the site naming. Why allow an eager jumper kill him/herself instead of forcing them into earning it by doing to work to actually LEARN what really is needed instead of hoping darwing takes over? Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  9. Absolutely Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  10. I choose to not underestimate "the man," or the stupidity of people like: #10 Jeb Williams, 1986 Antenna Jump Dallas, Texas, USA Total Malfunction and Impact Jeb jumped from a free standing 500-foot antenna tower with skydiving gear and no reported BASE training or expereince. He impacted with nothing out. This jump cemented the cause for dedicated BASE jumping equipment in the BASE community. Talk of a person having a set amount of skydives before BASE jumping is still seven or eight years away. (courtesy of "the list") The less authorities know about an object, the better chance we have of not getting caught, bottom line. The less info that is posted on this (or any) BASE-related site, the less chance of someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're doing going in and fucking it up for everyone else that way. I wish it weren't that way... I have been trying to make this same point for years, and until your posting now, I don't think I ever said it right! I think this is right on the point! it is not just the authorities, it is the unskilled, un-intelligent person. No I didn't say jumper, as not all 1st time BASE jumps are dont by jumpers of any kind. I have seen high school students jumping off bridges before. SCARY! Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  11. Just note, there is a region in Southern France that some people feel is suitable to take newbie jumpers. This is not the case. I may be wrong, but I personally do not know of any places in southern france to learn to jump. There are some very dangerous places to jump, and several places for very experienced people to jump....But not newbies. So don't be misled. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  12. mickknutson

    main colors

    When I got my first canopy from Adam, I was told that the most stealthy colors where grey and midnight blue. Solid (all cells) colors stand out more than broken up colors. And Black is just too dark for most night time jumps. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  13. mickknutson

    main colors

    Years ago I was told a saying by an old jumper: "If someone sees your canopy, you did something else far earlier that got you busted!" Meaning, your canopy colors have less to do with you getting seen, than the preperation you need to do before the canopy is even open. Just thought I would add that saying as it reminded me of the old days. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  14. Yes I have. That is alos good and I added that to the BLiNC Knowledge BASE. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  15. Also someone at Blinc has not only erased but also edited some of my posts, to the extent that the entire meaning was changed, and you end up with a locked thread full of posts you didn't make. Well, this was not brought to my attention until now. But, I am enforcing new moderation rules to where all actions will be documented in the moderators only forum. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  16. Would you mind posting this on BLiNC? I think this is very helpful to everyone.... Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  17. mickknutson

    Ozzie BASE

    You can post images to the BLiNC Gallery if you like. http://www.blincmagazine.com/cgi-bin/gallery/imageFolio.cgi Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  18. Well, after 10 years, I am not just going to give up. Although I think only Tom and a few others actually understand how hard it is to run such a forum and a whole site. I can implement rules, and regulations, and open up new freadoms, but 100% of the people are never going to be happy. So, I will continue to do what I can better BLiNC, but I just can't put 40 to 60 hours per week of my time into it like I did in the past. I had no time to jump or anything. Just work. I need to have some fun as well. As for the deleted postings, this issue is resolved by posting _ONLY_ being hidden from now on. So, when there is an issue, the posting is kept for discussion, and moderation purposes. BTW, I have posted the forum rules at the top of the BLiNC Pages just as you mention.... PS, sorry that I seemed to have lost my #1 fan. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  19. Yes, you can buy them online at BLiNC Magazine. http://www.blincmagazine.com Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  20. The page was fixed. Try again please. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  21. What is the actual error? I also resonded to your posting on BLiNC. So you are able to post it seems, but just not able to see this 1 thread. Strange..... Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  22. mickknutson


    More DNS Hell for me. I attempted to get the basejumping.net domain working, and broke blincmagazine.com. The real issue is that most DNS servers around the world cache entries for 12 to 24 hours. So they got the bad record, then cached the bad record for 12 to 24 hours. So, things should be getting back to normal as both domains will work now. Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  23. Hajo, can you repost this on http://www.blincmagazine.com/forum/dcboard.php?az=show_topics&forum=7 Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  24. Name servers suck. But, now blincmagazine.com is back up. But as always basejumping.net, basejumping.org and basejumping.biz work The new machine I just moved to is bearly even stressing. I just have heaps of hardware now! Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."
  25. mickknutson

    BLiNC Down

    The DNS is actually switching over and you can still reach there on www.basejumping.net Mick Knutson * BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."