does anybody actually know why and how these things don't operate at altitude, is there like a build in altimeter in the damn thing??
I know about the drop sensor but I switched that off too to no avail...??
So my girlfriend bought me a Brand new Sony DCR SR200HDD cam after I complained that my PC1E is not up to scratch anymore. Knowing of the apparent altitude problems I had to give it a go as this camera is perfect for a top mount - but as soon as I put my head out the plane it switches off... after 4 attempts i gave up...
Someone on the dropzone mentioned a modification that can be done to make it work for jumping(replacing a chip or something)
does anybody know anything of this or is it a myth??
This sucks... I remember him telling me to get my required jumps so that he can teach me how to fly the wingsuit that has been gathering dust in my cubboard since I've bought it!
Should've gotten those jumps faster mate!
cu in the wild blue yonder.......
All my sympathy to Taya and the little ones.....:-(