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Everything posted by Lickablecode

  1. Got the same error too. Is this error from a rule violation (can only renew x times) or is this a bug?
  2. is great. As a rule of thumb, I don't order from a website that does not list an actual street address on their website. Sellers that do not list a street address either on their main page, or on the "contact us" page are obviously trying to hide something. Preferably, they should have an actual store room, meaning they are real people with real customers.
  3. My PC 109 just broke, so I have no use for the docking station. Shoot me an email....
  4. When has a politician EVER been for the people?
  5. I wouldn't bother arguing. The ignorant, no matter how educated, will always be ignorant. More importantly, they will always debate about which they have no experience or expertise. Champu couldn't have said it any better:;#2449858
  6. Too bad Canon doesn't make digital backs. If they did, one would be on my helmet right now. That would be awesome. If money really isn't an issue, tell him to get the 1Ds mkII, then ask to borrow it.
  7. I have yet to meet someone who went to PRISON for a minor possession of a controlled substance. And even if they were sending hordes of dopers to prison, I doubt they would make room for them by releasing violent criminals. I think the bureaucracy of the system is likely to blame.
  8. What's that smell? And why isn't there a Troll-Only forum where they can anonymously troll each other all day with posts such as "OMG, Argus had a misfire," or "Da'Kine rags stole my money," and "I have 50 jumps and am flying a velocity." Oh wait, that almost sounds like Speakers Corner....
  9. There's no need to attack my reading ability. My comment on your post was because I was utterly confused why you chose to respond to my argument (that religion had nothing to do with this) by stating a phenomena (because religious whackos think that only homosexuals get AIDS) which has nothing to do with this incident. And more importantly, because that belief largely died in the 80's along with David Bowie and digital watches.
  10. Wow. It took so much concentration from me to figure out what you were saying that I sneezed and my brain is now spackled onto my monitor. Seriously though.
  11. Thanks for the clarification (and the red herring), but I know what he was trying to say. And he certainly did not say anything about right wing Republicans. What I was trying to say was that it would be illogical to assume that religion had anything to with this, to assume that this teacher was religious, and to assume that his mistakes were a consequence of his faith. Did I lose you? Here, I'll break it down... 1.) I have never seen any evidence that suggest that religious (or republicans) are less educated on blood-borne pathogens. If there is evidence, then I'd like to see it. 2.) If the religious are unaware of the hazards of blood-born diseases, and this teacher made a mistake that would suggest he wasn't aware of these consequences. It would be illogical to conclude that this teacher is a religious whacko. This logic is called Affirming the Consequent. Look it up.
  12. Anything that defines any particular substance as the most toxic substance, is inherently wrong. It's a popular fact that nothing can be regarded as the most, very few things are the least, and most certainly, nothing is ever always.
  13. I'm surprised you even go to class. I haven't been to a Micro class since this year started. I'll occasionally show up to Path, but even then, there are some things best learned on your own.
  14. I don't see how religion is involved in this mistake.
  15. Close... The actual term would be transudate. The difference between exudate and transudate is specific gravity and protein content. Exudate is protein rich and implies an inflammatory reaction. Kinda like what you'd see in an infected wound or a bad case of tunagina.
  16. Hanging is a lot of fun, I think we need more camera flyers on ours next time though. I'll be sure to strap another cam on my head.
  17. There are some great photographers on this board. I'm not a fan of abstract photos. So my goal in each of mine is to have a dominant subject/action. Here's a few skydiving related photos and one unrelated (Mojave Sidewinder; Crotalus cerastes).
  18. Have you thought of going to a school that is not as prestigious? Just because the school has a good name, doesn't mean that you will get a better education or make better friends. I have gone to both UCLA and CSUN (a smaller no-name school down the road) and I would chose CSUN over UCLA. At CSUN I can actually get to know my teachers and they actually CARE about my education. People at smaller schools also seem to be more concerned about being successful in life and not overly obsessed with vanity and driving daddy's fancy car. The partys are usually better at the bigger schools though...but that's what the dropzone is for! Good luck!
  19. Thanks for the help. I just realized that the bumpers that were previously on the canopy were indeed vinyl, and not the silicone type that I had previously mentioned. I replaced the vinyl bumpers with the current fabric bumpers about 50 jumps ago, and I did not notice any significant damage on the lines (I may have just overlooked that). I also made sure that the fabric bumpers had no sharp edges (running a fresh piece of spectra through the inside did the trick). After a new lineset, I might use 1.5 inch square weave for bumpers instead of the 1 inch square weave. I'm beginning to think that the current bumpers were too narrow (or tall) and accelerated the problem. How often does damage like this go unnoticed by the person who packs the main because it is hidden by the bumpers themselves?
  20. Today I added a new item to my monthly gear inspection and I thought I would share it with some of the lurking newbs (like me). Last week I jumped my old Sabre190 (which is now my sisters) and nearly broke my back on opening...seriously. Knowing that the opening might have caused damage somewhere on the harness or canopy, I decided it was best to at least look everything over before the rig is jumped again. After inspecting the canopy to the best of my ability, I moved on to check the line-trim. I found asymetric shrinking spanwise and chordwise, with the greatest shrinking on the outer A's (about 5 inches) and control lines (about 7 inches). Hard opening blamed on old closed...right? Right as I was about to stuff the canopy into a bag to send to Bill Lee, a tiny spot of pure white spectra amidst dirty brown spectra caught my eye. What I had found was that half of the circumference of the line had broken right above the bartack next to the connecting links, exposing a very small piece of the fingertrapped line. This particular area, however, is covered by the slider bumpers so I do not know if this was a preexisting condition or was the result of the hard opening. Any speculations? The canopy had silicone bumpers installed up until about 50 jumps ago. Could they have caused this type of wear on the lines? Either way I am making sure that I move/remove slider bumpers next time I do a full line integrity check.
  21. Knowing about the bait&switch deal that they do, I still bought a PC109 from A&M. I had to do the whole "upgrade" thing, but I still got the camera in the factory sealed box for a cheaper price (by about $30) than anywhere else. Yeah, A&M's business practices are unethical, but if you play the game, you can still come out on top.