I did my AFF 1 with a friend at SMB. In the air, everything was great. The instructors were clueful and the superotter got you to 15k quickly.
On the ground SMB was a disaster. They cancelled our first AFF jump after taking our money because they decided they could make more on tandems at another location. They made it very clear that AFFs were their last priority. They also made it clear that we weren't getting our money back. The girl running the phones was annoyed at our request to call us later in the day to see if we could get a jump in. She didn't call. In fact the 3 separate times that SMB promised to call for updates, they never called once. When we called them their phone attitude was terse, unprofessional, and disinterested. You get the feeling that they'd really enjoy their work if it weren't for all the damned customers. I won't be going back anytime soon.