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    Sky Dive San Marcos
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  1. I just want to thank everyone for all the input and past experience...glad its not just me ;) I am probably going to do what a few of you suggested and go out to my DZ this Sunday and do a tandem, just to get the feel of it all again. I really hope that will help because I REALLY want to continue on in this sport. I need to make friends with the regulars out at the DZ too...back when I started jumping a lot of my friends were going too (tandems), but no one would do AFF with me =\ Oh well, their loss...I AM going to give this another shot. I will let everyone know how my tandem goes, then hopefully I get get over my fear and do that last AFF jump! Thanks again everyone. -Chad
  2. Ok, I will keep this as short as possible... Last summer a friend of mine said she wanted to go skydiving, but not alone and I have always wanted to go, so I took her. After that first tandem I got hooked, I jumped 2 more times that day and 2 weeks later I was starting AFF. I have completed all my AFF jumped except for just ONE. It was starting to get cold and I didn't think I would like jumping in the cold weather. So after the short winter here in Texas passed I was supposed to go back and do my final AFF jump. Well, I never did...I have been putting it off for almost 9 months now. I don't know what the problem is but I just get freaked out thinking about it. Anyone else have this problem? Rarely a day goes by without me thinking about skydiving, but I just can't bring myself to jump again and its really pissing me off. I took my friend and cousin out to the DZ about a month ago to do a tandem and had a chance to jump...nope... All my tandems and student jumps went great...I never stood up on a landing, but they weren't too thats not it... Sorry if this is a stupid post, but I don't know what to do :( -Chad
  3. As many others have said, I never would have jumped out of a plane for the first time by myself, hah...thats ridiculous ;) I think it should be mandatory to do at least 1 tandem before AFF. It allows you to get familiar with the feeling of how a jump goes, AA and some canopy control... I personally did 2 before AFF and learned a lot, and I would not change that. -Chad
  4. Hey Douva, it was great jumping with you a few weekends ago. I appreciate all your help and coaching & hope to jump with ya again... I am now on my level 7 AFF jump and planning on finishing that and level 8 this coming weekend! Everything has been going great and can't wait to graduate AFF! BTW: Thought it was pretty funny yesterday...was doing my level 6 jump and was supposed to be doing backflips, but I just couldn't get myself over...kept falling into a front flip. Any suggestions? Prob just need to get up there more and practice... -Chad
  5. Ok, I think I decided on the type of gear that I want to plan on purchasing...I spoke with a few different people about this, and keep in mind...I will be ordering this gear in about 2 months...prob after I have 30-35'ish jumps... Harness/Container: Aerodyne Icon Sport (w/ RSL & Hackey Handle) Main Canopy: Aerodyne Pilot 188 Reserve Canopy: Aerodyne Smart Reserve 190 I weight about 185 lbs, so about 200-205 w/ gear... What do you guys think about that? Also, I will mainly be doing freeflying and plan to get into what type of jumpsuit should I be looking for? Thanks... -Chad
  6. Hey, I know exactly what you mean! I just did my AFF Level II jump last Saturday after ground school and was quite nervous myself... I actually didn't feel too nervous in the plane...but did a little more once I got to the door...but it was when I jumped that I kind of "curled" up a bit into almost a sitting instructors said thats probably because I was really nervous...but after a few seconds I really relaxed and got the arch/position down correct... Then later that night one of the other jumpers in the plane said I looked who knows...I'm sure it will go away after time...I will find out this Saturday when I do my next few AFF jumps... But goodluck to you and don't worry about it too much... -Chad
  7. What do you all think about the Icon Sport harness/container from Aerodyne and their Triathlon main canopy? -Chad
  8. Hello everyone, I just have a few quick equipment questions... I am very new to this sport...currently going through the AFF certification and hope to be done in 2-3 weeks. I am considering purchasing new equipment for myself, because I want something custom made for myself and want it to last for a while. I am looking for some recommendations... I have been looking around a bit and for a harness/container I think the 'Javelin Odyssey' would work well...any thoughts? Now, when it comes to canopies and reserves, I have no clue what I should be looking for...any advice would be appreciated... Also, I am looking for a nice jumpsuit as well...any suggestions? I plan on eventually doing some I don't know if that will matter... And most of the little things I can probably figure out...but if you think I am overlooking anything, please let me know... Thanks in advance for all your advice/help... -Chad
  9. Well, I got through ground school and did my first AFF jump on Saturday! It was a friggin' rush! Kind of got off to a rough start...took me a few seconds too long to get stabilized, but after that it was all good. Did a few maneuvers and pulled on time...great deployment, did some nice turns and my jumpmaster helped to guide me down to a perfect landing spot in the LZ. Had a pretty dang good landing too...and that is what I was most worried about. I was supposed to go back Sunday, but had a small family emergency...but I WILL be back there next Sunday and try to get in as many jumps as possible. Thanks guys for all your advice and tips. A couple people told me I looked kind of nervous/ I guess deep down I was a little...but that will work itself out I think over the next few sure as hell isn't stopping me :) And Douva, it was a pleasure meeting you, and maybe we will get to jump together if you are out there this next weekend. -Chad
  10. Douva, Yeah, ground school this Saturday starting at 8AM... And I will definately let everyone know how it goes...going to try and get as many jumps in as possible Saturday & Sunday. -Chad
  11. Thanks everyone for replying... I will definately absorb all the info I can throughout the training and even after thats over. And I will try to never let it get to my head...don't ever want to make a stupid mistake...because in this sport, that can equal death...and I'm not looking for that right now, heh. As for sticking around the DZ after don't have to tell me twice...I have heard some crazy stories where I jump. And Jeth, congrats on your first solo jump! I'm sure it will be a lot more satisfying as well...can't wait! And yeah, I agree - you should always remember what they teach, in case something goes wrong and they can't tell you what to do. And don't worry, you didn't scare me...its all part of skydiving. But I will have fun and expect to hear from me shortly after! I will be jumping most of the weekend. -Chad
  12. Hey everyone, I am new here, and just started in this sport. I did two tandem jumps this past weekend and I will be starting my AFF training this coming weekend. Does anyone have any tips/advice or anything else I should keep in mind? I hope to become a regular in this sport, so I am looking to meet some new friends here as well. Thanks! -Chad
  13. Thanks for the welcome guys! I think I will fit in well here, and plan on meeting some others from Texas...or anywhere for that matter. -Chad
  14. Hello everyone, I am new to skydiving...just made my first jump this past Sunday @ Skydive San Marcos in South Texas. It was so awesome I decided to jump again! And now I will be going back this weekend to start my AFF training. Have ground school starting Saturday morning, then my first solo jump(s). Looking to meet some new friends in this sport! -Chad