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  1. Tekla

    Which Watch ?

    No.2 is the Zeitner Marine Chronograph. 'Google Image' it for some better pics. Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  2. This is a slide in a works presentation I'm doing. A colleague of mine is holding the toilet roll on the right and Paula Radcliffe (marathon runner) is on the left. I need a funny caption or speech bubble to go in it. Any ideas ? Much appreciated.
  3. You know how you get a big preview for a blockbuster film, and when you see that film it sucks ? Well your cartoon strip..............ISN'T LIKE THAT AT ALL. Good job dude. Nice work. Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  4. Why oh why do they put the buttons on the bottom of the phone. Surely it would be more ergonomical to stick the numbers on top with the screen below ? Most people I know use their thumb to push the buttons. The thumb is on the top of your hand so it would make more sense to position the buttons to correspond. Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  5. I'm looking around for a new one as well. Preferably a fliptop one. I've got it whittled down to two. Motorola V220 with camera or Samsung X460 without. the reason I mention this is cos they got on your list the Samsung E700 which gets good reviews. Loads of concise mobile phone reviews here. http://www.mobile-phones-uk.org.uk/index.htm Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  6. So you can get Gerb to add earings to your BletherPark character now. Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  7. Too little and too late, but it kept me occupied for 5 minutes. Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  8. I flew a Robinson R22 about 18 months ago. Second best thing I've ever done in the air. I had 2 two hour sessions where I was allowed to fly around using the stick at 2k. I also got to try the hover. After quite a few attempts I managed to get to a point where I was able to keep it in a fairly stable spot using the stick, but as soon as she said "OK, let's see if you can do it now with the rudder pedals as well" I went all over the place like a drunken squirrel. As a finale she flipped and twisted the thing around like a pro to show what you could do after hours and hours of lessons. Great stuff. I advise anyone to give it a go.
  9. OK, I've been back in work for 4 weeks which total 140 work hours. I can honestly say that only 2 of those hours have actually been spent doing work. The rest of the time I have to find ways to waste time. (DZ.com being one of them. thanks guys.) Also the managers I work with are egotistical, self important, immature assholes who would seem more at home in a high school playground than an office. I've worked with some really nice people in other departments here but it seems that this one is a magnet for jerks. Why then do I put up with this shit ? Well the salary and benefits are the best around and I'm not prepared to waste 16 years worth of working here which will determine the amount of any redundancy package I get. In 12 months time the whole Agency I work in will be re-organising so I hope that this will offer me some opportunities to find a better position. Do you guys think I'm crazy ? Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  10. One movie quote I use a lot, which has been used in a lot of American movies, is "Goddam son of a bitch !". Trouble is that we Brits never use the word "Goddam" so I get funny looks whenever I do. Also I've only ever heard "Goddam" said in an American accent and so I say it the same way. It just doesn't sound right or natural with a Welsh, English, Irish or Scottish accent. "Does everyone pay ?" "Does a hobby horse have a wooden dick ?" Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  11. Tekla

    Freeway Madness.

    Apologies if this has been posted in the past. It involves a guy, a freeway, a bridge and a swooooop ! http://www.blennus.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=206&Itemid= Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  12. It looks potentially wicked. It's CTRL+D'd and I can't wait to see the strips you come up with. I'm guessing your going to introduce us to two other main characters during the course of the series your preliminary cast list is missing : A diver-driver and a keg of beer. Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  13. Strip name : ZoneD Character 'D' name : Dave (pronounced with a cockney accent as 'Dive' ) Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  14. LMAO Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .
  15. I enjoyed playing HL Classic more at the time than I did playing HL2. Steam(ing pile of shit) also ruined the experience of HL2 for me as well as the well documented motion sickness HL2 can cause. ( I didn't realise until close to the end how to fix it. ) It's well worth getting both and playing just for the comparison alone to see how far the physics, character animations, sound effects and graphics have come in such a relatively short time. Lu-"let the beast beware"-cy .