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Everything posted by rhuurrr
That would be Sunset Blvd. http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
hey Jay, check your PM's. http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
I think the main reason they went for 2nd degree murder was the fact that after the attack, knoller failed to get help or call 911, and then left the scene of the crime, leaving the victim to die in the hallway. She got what se deserved.... 'nuff said. J http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
just glad that he stopped off at my house before flying over yours!!!!!!!!! http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
yeah, but i was bummed when it was over. don't wanna wait a year for Two Towers. J http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
....wow. Blues, J http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
Once again, for free web hosting, I recommend Angelfire. you get 50MB of storage(more than Geocities or any other free hosting service I have found to date), and it's pretty fast. I just store my index pages on my little ISP site and use the angelfire to store videos and other large files. PM me if you want any specific info. Blues, J http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
wow- a whopping 122KB/sec !!! J http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
try angelfie.com they give you a free 50 megs of storage, you just need to make a "fake" index page so they assume the traffic is coming in through thier site. J http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
hhhmmmm- maybe 'Double Indemnity' or 'Vertigo'(kim Novak is a babe!!!!) 'City of Lost Children' is pretty good. 'American HistoryX' is pretty damn intense. '12 Monkeys' was a great take on La Jete but I think I'd have to say FIGHT CLUB is my all time fave. J http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
Yea, at Lodi AFF is a flat $1000 bucks, and they try and crank you through in 3 or 4 days(during the week). I could _maybe_ swing that, but then I'd be broke and prolly not be able to afford anything else for a few weeks. I forgot to mention that I DO have a rig suitable for me for when i graduate from aff(or whatever I manage to pull off) so jump tikets after student status won't be too hard to swing. alhough it does need an inspection/repack and a few minor things done to it. J ps. hey chopchop, where do you jump at?
Okay, a little back info- I started AFF late spring/early summer and got through lvl3 (had to jump 1 and 3 twice). After my last jump I felt pretty good and my JM said my improvement was great, I stood up my landing, etc.... but then, due to some unforseen circumstances, i found myself without any cash left to finish my training. Unfortunately, now being oh so uncurrent, I basically need to start over from the beginning, however money is still tight. I'm fiending to jump and really want to get back in the air, but the financial scene hasn't improved all that much. One option I have been considering is going to another nearby DZ that offers static line training and going through the program there(Lodi, CA). It's $500 for the FJC and the first 10 jumps, which with the help of good old providian, I could probably afford at the moment. I'd like to complete the AFF course, but it just probably wouldn't happen till maybe next summer. I really like dthe DZ where I did my AFF jumps, the people are great, and it is about a one-hour drive closer than Lodi, but, like I said, I'm not gettin' any younger and who knows if the economic situation(for me at least) will be any better next summer.... Just need some advice .... thanks, J http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
on the hood od my car off Highway 5 between Los Angeles and San Fancisco on a frontage road called Utica Ave, just south of Harris Ranch. Standing up (sort of) in a convertible up in the Marin Headlands, overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. In El Kapitan Meadows looking up at El Cap. and all the camping rock-climbers' lights on the face. Actually, pretty much all over Yosemite National park with a 19 year old, uh, friend that was working there for the summer!!! On the roof of my building(also with a view of the GG bridge!) just last week during the meteor shower. (there were alos lots of other people on other rooftops watching the show, i mean shower as well!!!!) Blues, J http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
Damn!!! 400 jumps on Sunday??!!??? you rock!!! Blues, Jack http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
okay, okay, I couldn't resist, so I sat in front of my computer for about an hour trying to do this. It's been a real long time since I've used Photoshop, I couldn't remember where any of the tools were. it was the first thing that came to my mind after reading your post (@ 1:30 am no less) Blues, Jack http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
I'm not a Kiwi but my girlfriend is, we went 'home' for xmas last year. We didn't hit the South Island, which I hear rocks, by the way, but on the North Island we went four wheeling on 90 mile beach wayyy north, then drove down to Aukland and hung out for a few days, then went to Rotorua and Lake Taupo for camping and adventuring. Skydiving, Jet skiing, rapids jetting(very cool), zorbing(lame), rapelling(or abseiling), bungee jumping, you name it, we did it(or could have done it). I hear the canyoning trips are killer as well, gonna do that next xmas!!! theres nothing like summer in January!! BS, J http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
I can't believe no one's mentioned the "Cutaway" drinking game yet!!!! You rent Cutaway(because no one owns it, right?!?!? )and while watching, everytime the words 'Whuffo' OR 'Cutaway' are said, you take a drink!!!! BS, J ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
put them in a ziplock baggie with a *very* small piece of lettuce. (and i mean real small, like a tiny little leaf, the size of a quarter). this will keep it quite moist and smokable for the near future. ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
Plagued once again by insomnia, I was browsing wreck.dot and saw this photo, thought it was pretty amazing and wanted to share it with y'all. It's a picture of Ed Cummings doing a demo jump welcoming home the veterans of Desert Storm taken by Dean Richardson. Thanks to Donna for initiating the post that brought it up. J ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
Just wondering who here jumps the oldest rig, as far as DOM goes, and what it is. (attatch a picture if you like) If you know how many jumps each component has, then include that as well. I'll start off, Talon/Falcon215/SuperRaven II, DOM 1989. I haven't jumped it yet though, need to have it modified from ROL to BOC(and get a job so I can finish AFF) Jack If this has been done recently, sorry, I've been away for quite a while!!! ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
Drunkards poll AKA (insomniacs sleeping shots)
rhuurrr replied to cyberskydive's topic in The Bonfire
I've got a medly of The Accused, Terrorizer, Napalm Death and Suicidal Tendencies........ ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com -
try http://www.geocities.com/scollins77057/Chat.html we're hangin there as we speak, grab some beers and get in here!!!! jack ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
Hey Kids, I've been gone a while, what's up with happy hour?????? Blues, J ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
I I camped at the Marina Dunes RV Park in Marine, just about 10 minutes away from the DZ, It was allright. While it was mainly an RV park there were a few camp sites as well, but it wasn't anything plush. They have showers and a little store as well. There is a number for them on the Skidive Monterey Bay website at http://www.skydivemontereybay.com ps. visit Bay Area Skydiving while your in No. Cal!!!! Blues, Jack ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
hhhmmmm- I am so surprised, not one mention of the elixir of the godz, that's right people, what about the JAGERMEISTER???? that, some Sierra Nvada Pale Ale and some Herradura Anejo.... good night. Blues, Jack ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com