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Everything posted by rhuurrr

  1. rhuurrr

    me too.....

    Since everyone else is doing it, guess I'll have to formally introduce myslf now too..... I've been lurking here for a while now, and even thrown in my $0.02 from time to time, and even got to hang at happy hour last night(which was too much fun). I'm a new student Jumper, going through AFF at Bay Area Skydiving, which I have learned is also our illustrious Head Honcho's home DZ(although we haven't met yet) I did my first Tandem out at Skydive Monterey Bay last year(there's pics on my site for those of you like me, who like to cruise the web, checking out everyones skydiving pics and stories), it was a present for my 30th Birthday, and since then I've been able to do nothing but look at the sky, waiting for the opportunity to jump again. Being that I have also been trying to finish a belated college career, it's been hard for me to come up with the cash to learn to jump, so I had to stick to reading the posts at rec.dot, and now here, to keep myself occupied. I did get to do another Tandem Jump in New Zealand over the Xmas/New Year holiday, and while it sortof fixed me for a little while, I was just waiting for the chance to do some solo jumping. Well, the time(and the Checkbook) was finally right this April and I got out and did my FJC and finally got my first jump in!!!!!(as well, there is a detailed regailing of it on my site) WOW! It's a whole different story from Tandem jumps(as you all know so well). Anyways, ever since then, I've been doing my best to overcome school and work obligations, as well as WIND DELAYS(aaarrrggghhhh!!!!!!!!) and have gotten one more jump in. I think this weekend it's on though, got some money in the bank and three days off!!!!!! I just really want to get my 'A' liscense before august so I can jump with wingnut and Skreamer over in London. Anyways, enough about me. Thanks for listening to my rambling and hope to see you all in the sky someday!!!!! Blue Skies, Jack ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
  2. I would hope not!!!!!! ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
  3. Well, he was having a problem playing back the file in the DIVX codec. I was just offering him a simple solution,(and shamelessly trying to generate some hits for my site as windoze media is supported by at least windoze and mac(which covers a good percentage of casual web-surfers), and Real Media just plain sucks. I fuckin' hate windoze personally, but I own a PC. Win2K does what i need it to. not everyone runs a linux-based system you know... okay, I'm done ranting now. Blues, Jack ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
  4. woohooo! Gerbel porn and tit- i mean tat kissing. happy hour rocks!! BS, jack ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
  5. Subject: Re: wingnut's ripped main You can check it out at my site in Windoze Media format in the Skydiving section. BTW Hey Wingnut, if you've got any new vids, lay em on me, and be sure to let us all in on your antics with Skreamer and co. this weekend... BS, Jack ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
  6. yeah, what's up?? It's 6:35 PST.... nothing seems to be going on... BS, JC ------------------------------- http://www.oneeyedjackproductions.com
  7. I'm right there with ya Joolee- My final essay is due on friday and then I am done with school for ever!!!!!!! (wait, doesn't that mean I have to start paying back my student loans????? maybe I caould take another class next semester!) Cheers to ya!!!! I will be jumping my a$$ off this weekend(as long as theres no friggin' wind) in celebration of our success!!!!!! Beers to ya, Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  8. rhuurrr

    This Weekend

    hey man- good judgement on your part. I know the feeling of trepidation when heading out to the DZ after a little time between student jumps. Isn't it amazing how once you get out to the DZ, most of that goes away. I sat out there for about 4 hours today in 90 degree heat, wating for the winds to die down enough for students to jump.....it never happened. After awhile, the heat and sun were starting to get to me, and on the drive home i was feeling alittle faint, so I quickly pulled off the freeway and stopped for margaritas at the nearest friendly Mexican food franchise. Seriously though, like you said, its your life at stake, and only you can know weather or not you're up to it. If there's any doubt....well, you know. better luck next week. Blues, Jack ps. Oh my god, next friday I will be an official college graduate!!!!!!!!! wooooohoooooooooo!!!!! ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  9. I just want to say that I hate the wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love hangin'at the DZ, rappin' with mt instructor, JM's students, etc. but man, this sucks.... yet another winded-out day at the DZ today. Two King Air's and a Caravan and no students.... I just want to get AFF over and done with so I can jump if the wind is 16mph!!!!! Just had to vent, sorry. J ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  10. rhuurrr


    Hahaa- didn't even realize I wrote that!!!!! Yeah, it pretty much means the same thing over here too
  11. rhuurrr


    I've got to write an essay today(that I've been putting off for months, and TODAY is the day) and all I can think about is jumping this weekend out at Byron. Oh well, if I can just knock this one out and then one more next week, I will finally graduate after all these years (and $$'s!!). just venting Blues this weekend, Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  12. Hey Wingnut-- What kind of camera set-up are you jumping??? btw, got your other vid up too. (small version) Blues, J ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  13. Skreamer-- I'm not exactly sure what dates we will have free when we are there--lots of 'relative work' to be done, but hopefully we might be able to hook up!!! Do you know what will be required of us to be able to jump there? Hopefully we will have out USPA A license's by then (we're going through AFF right now, hopefully finish this or next weekend), but if we're 'off student status' and not yet licenced, will we be able to jump??? oh yeah- We'll be in London August 10-11th the Isle of Wight 12-13th then we have the 13th and 14th free and prolly the 19th thru the 21st. (this is all speculative tho, this trip unfortunately isn't planned around jumping!! hopefully we can pull something off!! Blues, Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  14. hey- no problem man, if you wanna keep sending me stuff, I'll keep posting it for you. Maybe I can make a page called 'wingnuts corner' or something. As you can tell, I'm not much of a web-designer, but hey, it works for me...... We might just have to hook up for some jumps and beers when I'm out that way this summer!!! L8 Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  15. Hey all- I've got the smaller file (ripped canopy and cutaway) up on my web-site in windows streaming media format as well as some other bits and pieces, too. Will have the whole movie up later tonight. (Swear I'm not trying to steal your thunder Mountain ;)) just click on the link and go to the Skydiving page. Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  16. Hey Wingnut, No problem. No, I didn't get the 'big' vid, try resending it again. BTW, good job man, good to see emergency procedures smoothly executed. Beers to ya if you're ever in Northern California. Anyone here Jump near London or the Isle of Wight? I will be there in August and hope to get a day or two of jumping in w/ my girlfriend Justine and her dad...... Blues, Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  17. Hey all- I've got Wingnut's vid up on my site. There's a link at the bottom of the Skydive page- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr/SKYDIVE.htm Five days and counting!! Blue Skies, Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  18. pilotdave from rec.skydiving just posted that his server will be going down for the summer this week, just FYI.... J ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  19. Shit man, $1.59 per gallon, you all should quit crying, we're paying between $2.00 and $2.25 a gallon here in Northern California! My Mustang GT may get shitty mileage, but at least it's a convertible, so the enjoyment per dollar is higher than the average drive! Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  20. It's a good thing my girlfriend is doing AFF with me then, isn't it?? Actually, her first jump was about two years before mine, but we weren't dating yet. My first jump was a birthday present from her!!!!I feel pretty lucky that I managed to find someone who is advernturesome and willing to try new things, not to mention just putting up with my crap! Blues, JC ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  21. The first time I pulled my own rip-cord was yesterday!!!! It was my second stab at AFF 1 (fourth skydive to date) and man it was AWESOME!!! My first try at level one was a bit shakey, so i was pretty determined to have a great dive this time!!! Whooo hooooo, what a feeling!!!! BS, JC ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  22. rhuurrr


    Rock on Wes- I too passed my AFF 1 today!!!! (it was a redo, after failing to pull my own rip last week). No kidding man, what a wonderful sight, looking up and seeing that beautiful 240 square foot canopy hanging above, and the DZ ohhh so far below! there were two tandems that went out after me so I had a little company up in he sky. They came by for a shout and then got plenty of distance from the 'newbie'. Man, I was so psyched, just had to hang out for a while thinkin' "man, that was the shit!" My girlfriend landed shortly after me(she was on the next load, which had left before I landed) and came down with the same SEG on her face....man, we're hooked! I went to manifest to see about going back up for level 2, but they said they were booking up, and it could be several hours, and i might not even get on then, so we decided to use the rest of the day to revel in our achievements(she passed level 2 today).... Ahhh, next weekend feels oh so far away!(and I've got finals and a coupla essays too!) the sweetest words I have read, "....on to level 2" Wooooooooooohoooooooooo! Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  23. It's a beautiful day here in Northern California......... Blue skies everyone!!!! Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  24. Actually, I considered doing S/L training for some time, as it seemed I would get more jumps for my money, and also that it would be a slightly less intense first couple of jumps. Unfortunately there's only one DZ near my area that does S/L training, and they are not a USPA GM DZ, which had some influence over my decision to go with the AFF. Also, I went out to Byron and met Mike the owner, and some of the regulars out there and decided that I liked the enviornment, so here we are...... Blues, J ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr
  25. Hey all- Just did my level one AFF on sunday. The jump had its ups and downs, but needless to say, it was freakin' awesome and I will be back on thursday then again on sunday!! I'm a newbie here at DZ.com so I haven't heard any of your stories yet, I want to hear some of your first jump AFF S/L or even Tandem stories for some inspiration and some laughs. Blue Skies! Jack ------------------------------- http://home.pacbell.net/rhuurrr