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Everything posted by dannydan

  1. Maybe you'll explain what you meant when you wrote: "While OUR state law says that I cannot "carry conceled" (kinda broad term) i SOMETIMES carry, and nobody knows different". Id be happy to! Illinois law states that carrying a weapon loaded or not in any form outside of their description above, implies, affirmes that a person is in violation of the stated public act. No question about it. So if and when I carry my firearm out in public for my protection, i do so in what the law allows me to. Nothing less and nothing more. When I replied to your post; I was just be a bit facetious with you in asking what do you mean by your above statement? I was thinking that possibly you were also be rhetorical. Kal Sir, "SHIT IS going to hit the fan" one of these days for the Liberties and freeedoms of the people of this country... YOU included! And it will NOT be pretty. Some may wanna call that paranoria, doomsayer etc etc, however I don't just go spouting off on things without doing my research and seeing what has happened in the past of WORLDs history. The USA is NOT immune from evil! And evil is what has been bringing America down and WILL continue to do so in the future. WHY? My Bible tells me so thats why... Those who CHOOSE not to "open their eyes" are in fact "in for a rude awakening"... We can start another thread about this if you want to. But I know it is best that we cank this subject here or shortly after your response. But for the most part I believe that the OP topic in this thread is done!
  2. Have a HAPPY HAPPY and a kick ASS Birthday Sir... and make sure you drink your can of VagDis Soda Pop today, to make you FEEL younger then you really are... :DD
  3. Expierence speaks yet again in these here forums!! YES...... WooHoo! Happy New Year to yazz POPSJumper
  4. DO NOT... and I mean this you guys, but do not take this the wrong way,... however your statement is not correct brother warped... What I mean is that if a LAC (law abiding citizen) has to trade info (register) with CLEO, LEO or any form of gvt, then he/she is NOT living in a "FREE" state... YES Tn. is more FREE'er (liberal?) than Illinois, California etc, but it is NOT "truely~free" in the sense HOW We the People interpet and understand what the intent of our nations founding documents and the ideas behind those documents meant. this is and can be a very tricky arguement because SUPPOSEDLY there are 50 "INDIVIDUAL STATES", but they ALL fall under the not suppose to be bigger entity federal gvt rule. Think about it like this, individual states have their set of laws but ALSO HAVE to to follow federal laws! If the POTUS declares "martiallaw", then where is the FREEDOM of the individual states right and that of the PEOPLE of those states? I could own a Class3 in Illinois if I want to pay a TAX and have my name recorded with state and the feds... I cant USE that item in my state, but I can own one! YES YES... I have to have a FOID to buy ammo above subsonic, (including a pellet gun that shoots above 863fps??? help me hear gurus of speed) and the weapons that fire them and ALL that is documented, which by the way is EXACTLY what Benji said and MEANT.... (something like this) " if those who would give up some freedom(s) to have a little safety, then they deserve niether freedom nor safety"... but it wasnt just about guns, it is a broad statement that encompases OUR COLLECTIVE yet INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS of a people! It is what some peeps and sheeps call a "grey area" of interpitation... I will stand corrected if need be.... added this; I got off topic! sorry, but since we have been talking civil liberties to day, tonite, this farking morning.... lol
  5. dude... That ain't no "lil quip" YOU rock man!
  6. I probably wouldnt either if I had the hair that you have in yr avatar...
  7. did someone say lets cut the rug!!! and NO I did not mean shaved.... mwa mwa ladies!!! Now this is a thread I can SINK my teeth into!!
  8. is that a smoke/VAPOR trail I see coming off the top of His wing in the "swoop1web.jpg" I got a buddy at my dz named Shane that does this kinda playing!! That wing of Daves is pretty and so FULL! NICE!
  9. I would ABSOLUTELY love to do this .... HOWEVER,... I do NOT have the numbers for it! Would have been awesome to have the first LOAD logged... damnit I should have started this sport earlier in my life...
  10. I might "gawk" at them thar perty ones... Wud dat b okieDokie??
  11. We just need to remember that it TOOK 13 years to create this GREAT nation and our founding documents of OURS! NOTHING is perfect tho... Over time, what has happened to the INDIVIDUAL right(s) has been slaping all of us in the face, hince my "revolution" sentiment earlier... I don't want that any more than any of you do. It would be so frickin ugly. However....? We seariously need to HEED what SOME of our founding Fathers believed in for this country and WHY it should be and WHY it SHALL remain without discourse... blues, PEACE, harmony and safety to all! :DD
  12. Actually, I believe Squeak has lost a few pounds from what I saw of His last pic from from earlier this year... ....and not only that (speaking of "gay") I think You (Squeak) are looking damn good and a little like Rob Halford of JudasPriest I know you are not gay, my Brother from Oz... I know a lil birdie down under!!! :DD
  13. for about 35 posts or so and then it was "put to bed"! :DD
  14. Let me cite CASE LAW... Illinois vs. McDade No. 1-96-2136 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS V. RICHARD R. MCDADE Appeal from the Circut Court of "Cook County" No. 95 CR 35311 The Honorable JOSEPH J.URSO, Judge Presiding... And then there was the most recent case of a man up north that His home was burglerized and the THUG took the car and house keys (what an IDIOT) and decided to come back at a later date to do the house again only to find the owner READY... The case went to court, the prosecution was gonna through the BOOK (ILCS 720 blah blah bla) at Him.... But LOST!!
  15. I knew you were going to go there.... But ALAS, I know these Killinois laws b/c I have been STUDYING them since 1994. So here you go and this is ME! http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/publicacts/pubact91/acts/91-0690.html Public Act 91-06900 HB0379 ENROLLED (720ILCS 5/24-1)(fromCh.38 par. 24-1 Sec.24-1. UNLAWFUL USE OF WEAPONS (a) Aperson commits the offenseof unlawful use of weaponswhen he knowingly: (1) blah blah blah (2)ditto (3)ditto (4) Carries or possesses in any vehicle or concealed on or about his person except when on his land or in his own abode or fixed place of business any pistol, revolver, stun gun or taser or other firearm, except that this subsection (a) (4) does not apply to or affect transportation of weapons that meet one of the following conditions: (i) are broken down in a non-functioning state; or (ii) are not immediately accessible; or (iii) are unloaded and enclosed in a case, firearm carrying box, shipping box, or other container by a person who has been issued a currently valid Firearm Owner's Identification Card; or ....BLAH blah BLAH.... move on down to Section (10)Carries or possesses on or about his person, upon any public street, alley, or other public lands within the corporate limits of a city, village or incorporated town, except when an invitee thereon or therein, for the purpose of the display of such weapon or the lawful commerce in weapons, or except when on his land or in his own abode or fixed place of business, any pistol, revolver, stun gun or taser or other firearm, except that this subsection (a) (10) does not apply to or affect transportation of weapons that meet one of the following conditions: (i) are broken down in a non-functioning state; or (ii) are not immediately accessible; or (iii) are unloaded and enclosed in a case, firearm carrying box, shipping box, or other container by a person who has been issued a currently valid Firearm Owner's Identification Card. BLAH BLAH BLAH... I see NO need to BOLD or UNDERLINE the OBVIOUS code above! Basically OUR law...... NOPE MY law (b/c Chicago has THEIR own set of {IMO}>>>UNFOUNDED and Unconstitutional by the U.S.C. laws) says that as long as I dont carry a firearms loaded and concealed into CERTAIN public places, then I can carry a firearm and ammunition... But seperately and not "immeadiately" accesble. They changed a few words around a few years back (cant remember the year) but didnt chnage the law any... Which means.... That it would be left up to the Judge and the report of an arresting officer in whatever jurisdiction in the state of illinois at the time of arrest WHAT defines immeadiatly refers to... Of corse there are those municipalities that I CANNOT do that and thats where I do NOT still break any law(s) b/c i don't take my weapon there. The democrats and others have tried for YEARS to do what California has in effect, but to no avail. I can remeber a dooood running for state senate named Al Salvi (R) ran his ticket PROGUN and after something like six weeks in office after He was elected, he turned and voted with the other side in some gun legis.... He was NOT relected!! Yes The "Law Abiding Citizen" gun owner(s) here in Illinois has and WILL have alot of work to do to keep OUR state (not yours) 2A ALIVE and REAL.... But we can and we SHALL have the right to defend ourselves and our loved ones. I do see a revolution approaching tho but its not all that bloody per se'..... The "SHAME" is not knowing....
  16. yeah I was seeing the same thAng.... Nice hands squeaker...
  17. you silly young man.... I am TOO freaking old to do that!
  18. back in my day a liberal meant center of the road! What the f&ck happened? I must have overslept one day!!