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Everything posted by dannydan

  1. 1-learning how to BACKFLY 2-I agree " No shit, its this big" roflmao 3-YOU Suckerzzz CONGRATS Matt and Mommy!! I wish you ALL the best and with many blessings for your futures!! Its all about HIM now bro dude... LOVE, LOVE and more LOVE + discipline... Which of course is a form of LOVE :DD
  2. I second this sentiment!!!! WOO freaking HOO!!! WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME Min... peace :DD
  3. GREAT MORNING Richard_________!!! (my very lame attempt at a funny! I also want to WELCOME you to another type of human fun with challanges and bonding... SO like do you live in C.R. or just visiting and posting from there? My kid Ellie (in the RED shirt) http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3030517;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread and Her Mother will be visiting (for 10-14 days) Costa Rica in March for Ellies level 5 spanish class trip in high school. Kelly (mom) always told me since I started that She had no desire or would ever think about jumpin! Ah ha... One trip to Flordia and a ParaSail in the gulf changed that a few years ago.... I "broke the ice", she has since done a few TANDEMS both at what we "family members" call a boogie... WFFC 2005 and 2006... The FUN is UP above the ground mi' amigo!! Dios ben diga
  4. roflol.... with a C heart! that is! Anyway AGAIN, welcome aboard! : DD
  5. NO KIDDING!!! That is real SUPER SWEET!!! hats off to yazzz MiHiClb.... : DD blessings yr wayz dudes and dudettes!!
  6. at 45 and trying some new habits since high school and getting away from some old ones, i had my physical about a month ago and the finger WAS gonna be part ofit....HOWEVER, the doc decided NOT to do that test! Instead he left it uP to me if I wanted it after he asked a few questions about pissin (to be blunt) He asked if I have pain when I go (NO, then he asked if I pee alot during the nite? Well, unless I do it in my sleep, i told him NO! He precided to tell me that the finger was not needed at this time but at about the age of 50 he would probably start the finger then... I am just thinking that I didnt fit into his dreams that well!!! So no PAIN no gain.... ;) : DD good luck
  7. I was NOT to sure if I should freakin open that pic, but like a kat that has curiousity I DID.... roflmMFAoff : DD ..bounce to left and to the right.... AC/DC
  8. sorry to hijack yr thread LUV.... Hey Chris how are things in Oz?
  9. HEY Bolas... wat is that a picture of dude?
  10. how in the hell do you two do this and channel surf and eat and walk all at the same time? HUH? Or i guess in stiches case hobble... But really now
  11. I bet your a Christian and you dont even know it!! Thats way cool!
  12. yea..thx EDIT: this is your one warning. No PAs. So how the fuck does skydiver007 earn a PA warning but ExAFO doesn't? Hummm! Could this be yr answer; (taken from the first paragraph from the INTERVIEW from a link above about NoamC)
  13. WOW.... man this shAt is starting to get deep I mean death and all. I know hell we all know its reality I guess... But aside from getting into that much more from my end, .... Can I see those "My family can provide plenty of compromising photos" NOW PULLEASE!!!?? : DD fixed spelling
  14. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=search_results&search_forum=all&search_string=Spain%20Richard%20Oneil&sb=score&mh=25 Well at least in this website there is notta zip about spai, richard, oneil... sorry bro couldnt be of more help.. But good luck and I hope RO is doing well edit; here I came back with this info too http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/fatalities/search.cgi?query=Spain
  15. oooppiss wrong quote, must have been left on the clipboard damndest thang ... .... Has your concern changed because of us?
  16. Very sad story indeed... 1st time I had ever heard about this game was actually a scene in one of or the original CSI tv shows... Only it was being used as an AFROdz'ach... I think....yep... I am pretty damn sure that I didnt spell that right!! Anyone? But this chick who was on top...uhumm tied this mans (whom was on the bottom, underneath the chick whom was on top of Him i guess) dress tie around his... neck, and was choking him during the "climatic' part of the show.... Maybe i should have stopped this typing a few sentences ago....l8r gotta go
  17. wiki; I almost went there!!! Nah... in this thread it should be; The Flagship boobie is the EddieBoobies... But hey and Beth knows this as a few others do, that "Sweeet" was raised at the last few WFFCs in Rantucky!!! lol broken thumb and many a uhumm.. funny moments for that hanger ratt of mine! Hey Eddie if you see this thread, wats up Bro? Hope your doing well... Have you seen "d~illusional" lately? take it light bro... or just TAKE it!! I have no pics of Fast Eddie and His spur of the moment gf's as I was always too busy partying and watching the party take form!.. roflmao : DD
  18. Have a GREAT first jump... You will do just fine! So like how did you come up with your screename?? Very interesting indeed... : DD
  19. roflmFao.... it is just plain funny to watch a thread go off so quick...... lololololol hehe haha
  20. You got THAT right, brother! We are an AMAZINGLY tight-knit group of friends. Oddly, some people accuse us of, quite often, of taking advantage of each other when the fiesta is in full boogie. To those people, I say FUCK OFF; you clearly don't have any idea what "Friendship" means in the greater context. Chuck I do not know 99% of OUR FAMILY in here, but AMEN to that BROTHERS and SISTERS!!! I know in my heart that I am closer to most of you ALL than I am with my own flesh and blood... But WAIT... If we all come Adam and Eve, then WE are all flesh and blood! RIP Brother Lee, my Brother I never got to meet, jump or drink or laugh with... I MISS YOU!
  21. I m not sure about skyride tho! and it looks like my speeling and grammer is good... GOD, I love ALL you peeps... I toast my 1280ml of Milagro to you all!
  22. Think I'll buy and STILL throw equal monies to THE MAN behind the original!... Everyone is happy??? I get a cool almost one of a kind shirt, the original gets His royalties, and the "entrepreneur" gets His... But I really would like to have the "SLUT" one also ! that is hilarious, and so true...At least in my heart nywayzzz.! ;) FREE ENTERPRISE anyone? democracy?? roflmMFAo.. I think i have had a tad bit to much tAkiLLyA 2 nite! RIP Brother Lee...