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Everything posted by dannydan

  1. SPICOLI from Fast Times at Ridgemont High!!!.... "dont people ever knock anymore?".... He didnt say that, but it was a line in the movie that made me start locking the bathroom door for sure!! and NO its not because of the "ass ring" thangy.... lol
  2. Actually quade, I am doing much better at that than I am at expressing myself on the boards in these here forums!!! I think... roflmFao arrgghhh
  3. BEAUTIFUL pic CF!!!.... Is that a current shot? Your looking FanF...ingTabUlasH!!!.... After a few hours of sleep and re~reading my post about "that cold as steel ass ring" I would like to strainuously refraze my comment because I just cant have ANY unwarranted and possible vicious rumors spreading around da world in seconds.... "cold as steel ass ring"... I do NOT mean ASS ring as in.... crap how do I, undo, explain this sentence... I am implying that the ring was/is cold as ....... crap I am not getting anywhere here.... Ok...let me try this, cold as steel ring! ummmm... How about WE ALL just forget about the ass part, and get any of those kind of scenes out of our heads, I mean minds, and we just go on about our business?? Maybe I should just go back and EDIT that post!! In the end I would like to summerize that I dannydan do not condone and would never condsider what ALL of you out there, in here are actually thinking!!! I am straight as my lineset is under canopy... So any of YOU out there that is PMSLing, get in the shower and rinse off!!! ;)
  4. YEAH!! I remeber that cold as steel ass ring! Damn thang use to tug on my pubs.... But then that set me off into another world... PAIN and bondage... Well, maybe not so much bondage, but the PAIN of it all!! OMG!
  5. I'm sure that you don't have one of those drawers either... You probably have one of those rooms. As soon as my kids are gone, I will have TWO of them FREAKING rooms....WooHoo! ;)
  6. If ALL of the FIFTY Individual SOVERIGN states fall under the stars and bars (Old Glory) hell the US FLAG, then the FOID card is ILLEAGAL as hell!!! Try to figure this one out!!! And by the way, This ISRA group... Richard Pearson SUCKS!!! He doesnt care about CCW or anything else for the 2A except (probably) lining HIS pockets with membership monies.... I spit at these groups... I dropped my NRAship 3years ago and they will NOT leave me alone.... GAWD I am glad i found the USPA... ;)
  7. All I know is that If I am being SHOT at, then I am going to SHOOT back.... ESP if it IS part of my JOB!!! Hello!!!!!!
  8. If GUNS kill people then MATCHES cause arson!! I use TWO hands for my GUN CONTROL! oh pullease dont get me started on this stuff.... : DD
  9. My name is dannydan... I am a smoker! arrghh! But I will RESPECT other peoples property (rigs, mains etc) and mine by NEVER smoking around them at all... PERIOD! NO SMOKING IN THE PACKING AREA..... peace~pipe ; DD
  10. It continues to amaze ME how FAST our little processor inside our skulls deals with and decerns info as we need it ESP under a malf!! I knew (i could feel the difference) something was wrong as soon as I deployed because the lines became unstowed way too fast.--LINEDUMP!! 1st check during inflation revealed to me that I had a L/O, 2nd chk after inflated and altitude and heading check was in fact a L/O!! It was a left edge L/O (looking forward, dont know which line, didnt care) I just did what I was told to do when I started some 10yrs ago even with a few years of layoff I STILL remembered (my processor didnt QUITE CrAsH on me).... I was already turning left under this m/f at about 2800'... I dont FEEL that I panicked! But the "QUITE CrAsH" bit was that I pulled my RESV hndl B4 I cut the main! The ONLY razzing (wasnt that much) I recd was that I didnt follow my main down! My answer was "I just did what I was TAUGHT" and that settled that pretty quickly! Didnt find my main til 2weeks ago after the harvest had started. I got right back on that horse too with a student rig... Didnt like that price, so bought another rig! My main is on its way to PD for their airworthy evaluation. A few pinholes and a new lineset (combine scissors) and it will fly again. So I didnt DO exactly what I was taught! But with my holy spirit watching over/under me, I indeed survived TWICE on the same jump!!! WE jumpers CANNOT practice our EPs enuf! PERIOD! We cannot discuss this stuff enuf! PERIOD!! Personnely, at 44 yoa, It is all about safety! Some laugh at me esp whuffos when I speak about safety on the jobsites and they know I jump from planes... They try say that its an oxymorron
  11. No appologies are needed ACME....! Someone had to be first to wish Her and or anyone else here and there best wishes! I hope that She is well and had a TERRIFFIC day, for I am sure that LD deserves it.. ANyway, nice to meet you ACME.. : DD
  12. Ok....now I don't get it!!! Am I missing something here? I just don't get it! wtf.................. arrgghhhh
  13. DAMN IT!!! I wanted to be FIRST in these wishes.... I just got off work... DAMN IT I hate work.. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY CF!!! I hope that ALL is good!!!
  14. BETH BABY!!! How ya do'in darling? A very dear friend told me that you posted up in here about my SWEET Ellie.. (I don't get out much) lol Except when El and I are hitting the concert scene! THANK YOU for the kind words! Kelly and I hope/know that Ellie will contribute to OUR WORLD in a big way someday. No jumps last week too windy for all of us at RashInterNash! She is up to 8, with a couple of HnPs under Her belt now! She is SO damned pumped. Shaner and Johnny worked with Her and her card getting it filled in! She actually knows more than I do now!! roflmfAo.. Did you know that when WE finally got back to Chitown for the rescheduled AeroSmith show (24th) that Mr Tyler saw Ellie in the crowd by the catwalk and motioned to Her that He wanted Her stunner shades, so She gave them to Him and He wore them during the "Living on the Edge" track? I wasnt sure if you had heard that yet from anyone from the dz... God that was so way cool! We were all kinda shocked. A lady took some pics and sent them to Ellie already... Way cool! There are a few shots on the net here and there! Ellie has put them away never to be worn again! Just one more prized possession I suppose. It's ALL about the memories. RIGHT??? And another one that Shane told me Sunday nite when I went to pick Her up from the dz (studying all day) was when they were returning from dinner in Rantucky is that they drove past TENT CITY2 by the fence/road and Ellieboo started to tear up a weebit because there wasn't a FAMILY REUNION this year! I still tease Her about golfcart driving skills.... HaHa! ;) ANyway, that is my update.. Sometimes I think that I get to winded in any of these boards. THANK YOU again for showing up that weekend for Ellie, it was and always will be a very special weekend for Her and ME TOO! That we will NEVER ever forget! It is ALWAYS great to see YOU and jumpers from allover owe YOU Beth many hugs and thanks for what YOU have given and done for OUR sport!! Much love to ya BethBaby!! : DD