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Everything posted by FallingMarc
Awesome, Anne, see you saturday then! M
Well, to be fair, at least one of us has to go every weekend to take first timers down, it's one of the responsibilities of being a club officer... And the past month, plus the next couple weeks, will leave me totally, completely, broke. But that's ok, because the winter is for saving skydiving money... Marc
... don't know what to say, but, cool! Marc
Tell me about it... the Falling Illini regular jumpers usually have a happy hour wednesday nights... we decided to all go out tonight too, just to bitch about the fact that saturday is still four days off... And wow, 1000 foot snivels! I quit rolling the nose on my Triathlon, now it opens in about 400 feet, and I love it that way! I want to know there's something there when I pull...
Anne, that just reminded me... HEY EVERYBODY!! (whaaat?) Buy Anne a beer for her birthday this saturday... See ya there! Marc
Mmm... if it's just for the "sport" as you put it... I don't see any problems! But, if I was in an actual relationship with a girl, I wouldn't want anything outside of the relationship coming into the sex life... even for a *cough*big way... Marc
Ha, you'd think I got laid or something... but no, just a weekend full of skydiving and having an absolute blast with friends... And the club's new video came in from Square 1, thanks Lisa! Chronicle III, some kick ass freeflying in there! It's making saturday way too far away though... Marc
You're right of course, but we can't forget, that can be applied to anything... you could play everything safe and still get hit by a truck... So let's not limit it to skydiving! Be there for everyone who's there for you, appreciate your friends, live, love, and be happy! Hahaha that was so corny! But seriously... life is short no matter what. I love you all! Can you tell I'm in a really good mood... Marc
Sounds fun man! I'm a bit confused though... you describe looking at a PC in tow, but then "...sweep of the container, and nothing was in the tray..." What happened to your main...? Blue skies, and BEER for the ride! hehe... Marc
Congrats to Brian for nailing the freefall, and to Anne for nailing the landings, and to everyone for just being so awesome! Hehehe, I'm in a really good mood... probably because I was skydiving all day today, and I'm going to skydive more tomorrow... What a KICK ASS day! Marc
Just pulled this thread up out of boredom and the sudden realization of the phrase "snatch force"... Ok enough post whoring for the night, time to get to sleep so that I can safely drive to the DZ in the morning... M
"This is all very interesting... tell me again how a goat's bladder can be employed to prevent earthquakes..."
Yeah, it's been so long for me, I think I might need to take a class or something... especially since I hear when it's been real long, you can get premature deployments pretty easily. M
Taken from Craig's post over in G&R in response to my asking this same question... ------------------- Taken from the PD website under the link "Seminars" "Wing Loading and it's Affects" FYI their use of "proportionally scaled canopies" is as follows: "jumping a small canopy at your normal exit weight, and then jumping a much larger, scaled canopy, with enough extra ballast so that the wing loading is the same." C. Some reasons for differences in performance between large and small canopies: 1. Turns: In general, the smaller the canopy, the shorter the lines. Its true that two proportionally scaled canopies may have similar full glide speed at the same wing loadings, but they turn very differently. The big canopy, with its long lines, has relatively sluggish reaction to the controls, and the small canopy has relatively quick reaction to the controls. This is due to the fact that the large canopy must move the jumper a much greater distance out to the side, in order to achieve a certain bank angle needed for any given turn rate. This means that the smaller version of a canopy will feel much more agile, even if flown at the same wing loading. 2. Flaring: A dynamic flare is one that results in a change in flight direction from a descending path to one parallel with the ground. This requires a change in the angle of the canopy, when viewed from the side. (Initially, the amount of the angle change is about equal to the angular change of the flight path.) This angle change is accomplished using toggle a movement that causes the jumper to move out in front of his natural hanging place under the canopy. The long lines of a big canopy require the jumper to be moved a greater distance out in front to achieve the same angle. Shorter lines mean that the jumper doesn’t need to move as great a distance forward to achieve the same angle. This means the toggle movement must be more aggressive on the larger canopy, compared to the smaller canopy, even at the same wing loading. 3. For similar reasons to those above, the smaller canopy will also dive more in hard turns, when compared to a larger scaled canopy, even when flown at the same wing loading. ------------ Blue sies, Marc
I dunno if Busch Lite is the wussiest, Miller High Life is pretty damn light... Guinness and Killian's are good for you. Mmm...
Ok... interesting advertising choice... no complaints here... But I do have an actual question. This is a BASE rig... why is there a 3-ring system on it? The 3-rings are there to facilitate chopping a bad main, and I assume when BASE jumping, what with the whole "no reserve" thing, cutting away is just generally a bad idea... right?
Wow, that's pretty much all I want too... we can be buds! Marc
Wow, that's way too much for me to handle... Except #56, no, you can't. I've tried.
We recently decided a good euphemism for getting a BJ was "getting a soda"... because it led to some good veiled innuendos... "Hey, you want to come back to my place after the show for a soda...?" "I could sure use a soda here... I bet she's got one for me(gesturing towards purty lady)..." Yeah, I guess you had to be there. Marc "Dude... if you're gonna spew... spew in this!"
You're really making it hard for me here, Michele, I'm planning to come out to hit the west coast DZ's early next year, but now I can't wait! Glad to hear you enjoyed your weekend though!
....so can I log all the solo jumps I've been doing recently, learning to hold a sit?
Heh, everybody says the class is so boring, but I had absolutely no trouble paying attention. I just kept thinking, "this could literally save my life!"
Kel, sorry to hear that! It always sucks when we are actively reminded why they call our sport "high-risk"... Here's hoping you heal up real fast! Blue skies, Marc
Hehe Brian, I slept till noon too... although I had to wake up at 7, take the students down for the FJC, then while they were in the classroom, I fell back asleep on that big nice comfy couch in the lounge... it was nice...