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Everything posted by HN1

  1. not every one has to make up for a small penis by making long birdman flights. peace out Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  2. I recomend fayetteville its a lovely city. Skydiving is borring!!
  3. you dont have to worry about all that if you free fall it. Its just what i wiuld do Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  4. HN1

    heading to Somerset, Wi

    im meeting your sister there!! Skydiving is borring!!
  5. HN1

    heading to Somerset, Wi

    i will now be coming this saturday through wednesday. i will be by the twin cites, still water and somerset. i would like to jump. Later Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  6. HN1

    heading to Somerset, Wi

    I will be there from saturday-thusday and would like to make some jumps. please PM me if you can get me in touch with someone about jumping Thanks Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  7. HN1

    Las Vegas

    Any one traveling to or through Las Vegas should PM me ill be there through the end of january. Later Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  8. I think you should try going stowed from 200 i think it will work and ill video. Later Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  9. HN1

    Turkey Boogie!

    Here are some of the pictures i promised a few of you. if you are in one of them send me your mailing address so that i can mail you the CD. Well tell me what you think. Later Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  10. HN1

    topog. map service

    dude why dont you elaborate a little when you post links. i think this is the 20th link you have posted in two days and you never really tell anyone what they are for. From now on when you post them put a little explanation. and ask yourself the question will anyone really care. PS if the answer is no then dont post it. Later Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  11. I dont know if the bridge is jumpable, but i do know there is going to be a huge boogie at Moab. You should think about going there instead. You can get info on it, on the vertigo base web site. they are sponsering it and it should be geat fun. Hope this helps Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  12. Does any one know when they will be available?? thanks Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  13. HN1

    Looking for NC Crew

    you know NC is a big place any specific citys you will be visiting Skydiving is borring!!
  14. HN1

    Moab this Thanksgiving??

    Does anyone know if there will be a base event out there this year? If not then will there be one anywhere else? Thanks Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  15. it may make a differance when you are taking the shot and the speed film you are using. if you are jumping close to dusk the camera will adjust to the lower light and make a slower exposure there for the action will be blured. if you are taking them during the day and its still blury try to increase sutter speed and if you cant then get higher speed film I.E. 400iso instead of 100iso. the higher the number the less light it takes to expose. also if you are shooting at dusk or in other low light conditions try to use the flash and have a slow sutter setting, the flash will freeze his image and the slow sutter speed will make the back ground show up. also you might try getting a little clamp and clamping the camera to the antena and then taking the picture that way you can eliminate shaking. well hope some of this helps if you have more questions dont hesitate asking. Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  16. dude neil is that really you?? i didnt know they had the internet where you were at any way if it is you sweet good to hear from you. and on the subject as tom put it i will post some info some people privatly sent to me in hopes that it will help them I'm sending you a private message as people tend to freak out when you compare one suit to another publicly. If you can wait 'til mid-fall, I highly recommend the Phoenix Fly suit. For both skydiving and BASE, it SMOKES everything else. It is not the S4 you saw, but the S4 was a step in its progress. There have been two major revisions/prototypes since (one was finished/tested last week with reportedly awesome results). It starts flying faster than anything else. It's more stable and easier on your muscles (3D construction/closed wing makes air resistance a non-issue). It's faster forwards than anything, by far. The glide is around 3:1! If you CAN'T wait, here's the S3 vs MTR2 comapred to what you jump now. The MTR2 is easy to fly, starts flying pretty quickly, and can give you a decent fall rate. But it doesn't glide for shit (less than 2:1 by even the best pilots). The S3 has a higher stall speed, but you can attain significantly faster forward speeds and same or similar fall rates as the MTR2, and therefore a better glide (usually 2.2:1 - 2.5:1). For a very practical comparison -- experienced MTR2 pilots were flipping out when they were breaking 3 miles on skydives, whereas as myself and my buddies consistently break 4 miles, and sometimes 5, in the same flight pattern, on our S3s. What this means for BASE is that you'll get a better flight from the MTR2 on lower objects (1,000' - 1,500'), but the S3 will give you better flights from anything above that. The S3 is a more demanding suit than the MTR2, but if you get it dialed in, you'll get better results. Whereas the MTR2 will give you decent results right away, but has so little learning curve, that you don't get much improvement over time. Compared to the original Skyflyer, the MTR2 has about the same forward speed, and better fall rate. The S3 has slightly better fall rate than the S1, but WAY faster forward speed. Both suits are more stable than the S1. It comes down to this. If you want to "float" (low velocity and low glide ratio), get the MTR2. If you want to "fly" (high velocity and high glide ratio), get the S3. I prefer the S3, myself. So, in my usual verbose fashion, there it is. Have fun! that was sent to me so i hope you quys get some good info out of it. and tom i am going to be getting a phoenix fly and neil you know i cant spell Ryan Skydiving is borring!!
  17. ya check out they have all the info you will ever need Skydiving is borring!!
  18. Hello Im am writing because i am currently in the market for a new wing suit. i would like some opinions on the differences, advantages, disadvantages between the matter II and the Skyflyer III. i will be using the suit out of some planes but primaraly for base. my experiance now is about 30 flights on a GTI and about 50 on a Skyflyer. i am also looking at the phoneix fly suit, is it like the S-4, like the white onew that was at bridgeday last year? well any info you can give me would be great and also i cant get onto the matter wep site so could someone tell me the price of the Matter II. it would be appreciated. well thaks in advance for the info. Ryan Skydiving is borring!!