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Everything posted by 4XTTTOM

  1. Hi Rob, we are skydiving in Lille. The DZ is located in Bondues. Look at the DROPZONES. We are flying a Pilatus Porter to 14000 ft. Your Sabre 170 is perfect. The will let you pay a foreign license for a year or a 10 day period. If you need more info please contact me: tom@4xtremetime.com or visit our website at www.4xtremetime.com George Diotme
  2. Hi, 4Xtremetime Skydiving Center is organising his 2nd Mission Impossible on 3-4-5 and 6 juin. We have for the second time Craig Girard and Kirk Verner of Arizona Airspeed who will share their knowlegde with all of you. This year Eliana Rodriguez is also at our DZ for organising our "DARE TO IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS". This for many amoung us the opportunity to learn from the best. Well 4Xtremetime skydiving gives you this chance. For more info please contact tom@4xtremetime.com or call 0032475623234 We still have some slots left in Eliana's group. Be there you will not regret it. 4XTTTOM George Diotme
  3. Hi, 4Xtremetime Skydiving Center is organising his 2nd Mission Impossible on 3-4-5 and 6 juin. We have for the second time Craig Girard and Kirk Verner of Arizona Airspeed who will share their knowlegde with all of you. This year Eliana Rodriguez is also at our DZ for organising our "DARE TO IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS". This for many amoung us the opportunity to learn from the best. Well 4Xtremetime skydiving gives you this chance. For more info please contact tom@4xtremetime.com or call 0032475623234 We still have some slots left in Eliana's group. Be there you will not regret it. George Diotme
  4. Hi Schwede, Sorry for this late answer, but we are verry bussy at this moment. I have made an attachment, with all the answers made by AAD-VIGIL to the Swedisch parachute ass. Cu around Tom George Diotme
  5. Hi Redknight, Thanks for the support. My first concern is that our system is on the market and customers have the choice. There is still a lot of work for everybody not alone for us, but also for the industry. So we and a lot of other people can use your support to keep our sport save. Just a note: Look to all the teams at the worldmeet who trust in Vigil Vigil makes you perform better. Cu + keep it safe Tom George Diotme
  6. Hello all of you, Concerning our problems with the German DFV. Just to let you all know that AAD vigil has done his job, we had a verry good meeting with the the some members of the German DFV. They listen to us and we listen to them. We had on every question an answer and also a proof. In the attachment you will find the latter that the Germans have send us and they have giving us a new certification. Like i said in the past if there problems or you do not understand something or you have some doubts about our product. Just take contact and we will answer them all. Our communication line is open on our side. Everybody knows where to find us for every detail nd information. Cu around Keep it safe Tom PS Checkpoint maybe you can translate the PDF file in German now. So everybody can understand it. George Diotme
  7. Hi Skydiverton and Schwede, So far there is only sweden, as far as we know we are still approved and legal in Germany. Untill yesterday (2004-10-11) we did not receive an official bulletin from the German board. We know because we also read the FORUM. So if you know CHRIS BUSS from the German Technik Referat plaese contact him. Untill now the companies in Germany like PERF. Variable and Paratec did not know about this. I think there has been no communication between people and it put us in the bad spot. Concerning your question about technique, yes i am only doing the commercial site of VIGIL. About the technique i have to admit, that is not really my thing. BUT i can tell you if you call and ask for information we will give it to you. We have nothing to hide, we can give you a full factory visit where you can talk with all the people of the production and the engineering people. They will answer all your questions. And to be really honnest i think if you go on facts and do some effort to get to bottom of our product you will see, it is a verry good product. I also think that the people should communicate open to us not to go on rumours. Of course ther will always be pro and contras. Just like in any other bussines Cu you and take care Tom George Diotme
  8. Hi Ton, Good for you that you are happy with your Cypres. I jumped the cypres for 12 years. So it must be good but i am in for innovations and VIGIL brings me that But Ton where is the tread???? Greetz Tom George Diotme
  9. I am sorry, but we did not received this letter. this morning we had contact with the German technical director. The contact is due to you sending us this information. We have been at the worldmeet in Croatia and nobody from the German board told us that we are banned in their Country. Could somebody explain that to me. I think to have a good and open communication we have to play the game fair. But ok as it is right now we are banned and we will try to solve the problem with the German techbical direktor. All the things mentioned in the bulletin are not right. So give us time and we will bring out what the problem was or wasn't. Keep in touch Tom George Diotme
  10. Hello you guys out there, we are not banned in Europe. We having a discussion with the swedisch federation to be legal in sweden. In the rest of europe and other countries we are legal. for more info tom@vigil.aero or visit our website at www.vigil.aero cu Tom George Diotme
  11. I think somebody is doing a hate campaign. But it is ok and it is also ok that you stay unknow like you wish. And yes i think this guy is somebody i know and i think to know the reason why he wants to be unknow. But all that is Bulls...t. The facts are that there are people who are jumping VIGIL and the are happy with it. And if there are problems with units please let us know. Then we will tell what was wrong. We do NOT want to hide behind cheap excuses. AAD-VIGIL will give you probably the best aftersales service there is. If you want to know all about it please contact us. www.vigil.aero For INDIANA happy to discus with you face to face. Give me a call. Al wie doet wat hij kan is een eerlijk man. Tom AAD-VIGIL George Diotme
  12. Hello Indiana, First i would like to say that you do not know anything of the relationship between me and Mr. Smolders. Second there is nobody not even Mr.Smolders who has command over me. My so called BOSS, is a man with a lot of talents, but controlling me is difficult. I do my thing and i believe in VIGIL 150%. Like you wrote “a certain amount of resistance to water” is not 100% waterproof or resistant. And we have never promised 100%. waterproof or resistance. For the POWERPACK it is true that It is submerged in epoxy to ensure total water resistance. FOR THE POWERPACK INDIANA. Or do i have to say KAREL. Please be honest with yourself and just say who you are. Is it because you don't want to be known in the outside world. Maybe we can do this in FLEMISCH. I just have a name and no nickname or are you affraid for a face off. I would not like to be a coward. You can always phone me you can always email me or come to one of our roadshows this winter. Just let people do their work and let their be a fair competition. Tom AAD-VIGIL George Diotme
  13. Hello Hello, I guess i started a verry hot discussion here. And yes i agree as a sales manager it is verry difficult to walk on a straight line. But let me tell you a litlle about myself. I am verry sceptic after 21 years of skydiving and traveling around the world. I jumped the other AAD for many years and i bought the new one untill the people of AAD-VIGIL asked me to work for them. First i said NO, because i was verry sceptic. But after a few talks and a good study of their product i said OK. Because i could believe in it. It was an innovation in the AAD world. First there was the monopoly, then there was the 3 different units Expert, Student, Tandem. and of course there was the price. But the main reason why i took this job was that i believed in this product after seeing all the specifications. And it is true Deland Majik and the french 4 and 8 Way are jumping the VIGIL, for a company thats a verry good publicity. But that is MARKETING. I like the way you all discus VIGIL. It means that there is something going on. Believe me i have seen a lot of things during 21 years of skydiving and there is nobody out there who is a bigger sceptic than myself. I know there will be always people who are pro and contra. But i would like to say this to all of you. Come and visit us at one of our roadshows that we will do this winter in Europe. Or if you want to know all about and you are from the US please contact our office in Deland. It will be a pleasure to help you and answer all your questions. Tom - VIGIL AAD www.vigil.aero tom@vigil.aero George Diotme
  14. First, i would like to thank all the people who replyed on this forum. Therefor i would like to say a few words to some of them. We never have said that the VIGIL units are waterproof or resistant. When other AAD's have problems, there is nobody who talking about it. Is it because they are 12 or 15 years on the market. I have seen somebody Cypres firing during landing. It is easy to spread rumours, if they are correct and you have facts, names, dates, places please contact us and you will see we will do our best to solve the problem. We will communicate about the problem. BUT WE DO NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH RUMOURS. About Deland Majik, they still jump there VIGIL units and they are Happy with it. If you all want to have more information about our product. Please come directly to us. Tom Migerode Sales Manager VIGIL AAD See our Website. Thanks to all of you who believe in VIGIL. It is probably the best AAD around. George Diotme
  15. It's strange to read al these things about the VIGIL. I jump the vigil myself and friends of me jump the VIGIL and they never had any problem with it. If i see that major skydiving schools as TEXEL(holland) and PACK PLUS(France-Gap) have the VIGIl in their studentrigs then i only can say. IT MUST BE GOOD. THE FRENCH 4-WAY and 8-WAY have the VIGIL in their rigs. Also DELAND MAJIK. They never complained about a problem. I know only one thing, give it a chance. Competition will make things better than before. George Diotme