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    Parachute Center - Lodi
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  1. Wow. I was reading the postings on this and was amazed. I felt the same way when I did my tandem jump for my 29th birthday. I loved it so much I had to jump again that same day and later started lessons. It is good to know that I am not crazy. Atleast, that is what my friends have been tellin me. I have had the same issue and done the exact same thing. I have done the research, bought videos, and books. I went into this sport understanding the risks and precautions. But, no matter what I say to my friends...they think I do not understand that I could die doing this. The fact is, they do not understand that they can die no matter what your doing. I have had debates and realized that skydiving has made me a more informed and aware person about life. I have taken alot more precautions driving and in all my activities. It is a relief to know that someone else has been experiencing the same issue.
  2. SwagDiva

    Bad News

    FYI...the student was jumping their 4th static line jump had a line over malfunction and did not cutaway immediately. Finally, he cutaway and opened reserve but it was not enough to prevent his death. It is very unfortunate and the channel 3 news man was very sneaky and the article was all wrong.